Hi. I'm looking to create a PB gathering profile that would handle portals/continent movement, and I would like to use randombuddy plug-in's to generate my GB profiles. How can I enable/disable the plug-in via the PB profile? Better yet, can I edit the randombuddy's plug-in settings (i.e. selecting which zones) through the PB profile?
If randombuddy picks a profile according to the continent/zone it is in, you might just use one of the multi profiles that are available. But I am not sure if it is capable of doing that. Would go like this I guess: The multi profile choses random or in order a zone to travel to, proceeds to enable gatherbuddy2 when it traveled through the portal and then randombuddy will generate a random profile. Very easy to do for pandarian, but if you want to add cata and other zones, I don't know if it is possible. If I remember correct, there are two quest behaviors that are capable of enabling and disabling plugins in the quest behavior map.
I'd love to know how to enable/disable plugins with a PB profile BTW this code won't work for PB: <CustomBehavior File="EnablePlugin" Names="PluginName" />
Easy. For example here's mine: You might not be able to straight copy paste that since this forum translates some of the code. You know " becomes " for example... Here's another way: PHP: <CustomAction Code="var AntiDrown = Styx.Plugins.PluginManager.Plugins.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == "AntiDrown");if (AntiDrown != null)AntiDrown.Enabled = true;" /> EDIT again: To clarify this is for PB, NOT questing.