I was playing some mafia2 and suddenly my pc just died. All i can hear is a soft tapping sound in my subwoofer. Can't start it anymore, tried replugging the power cable, checked all the connections from the power to the components.. can't really find anything, any clues??
most times when a pc dies, its the power supply.....Could also be an issue with your video card? Does it try to boot up at all, or does it act like it has no power going to it......
You can replace it with one from another pc as long as the specs are the same.....However, if you've upgraded your pc much, such as a high end video card a standard power supply wont run it properly and WILL CAUSE damage....Most computers now-a-days run on 400+ watts, whereas a pc straight from the box is around 250-300 watts depending on the age...Just run to best buy and spend around $60-$80 and buy an antec or similar unit and save yourself the heartache of burning up a processor.....
I bought this one: http://www.ocztechnology.com/products/power_management/ocz_600w_stealthxstream_power_supply and this is my old one: http://www.just-cases.com/data/product_f/psu/fsp600-80gln.html I hope it works Thanks for the help.
Ok update, new PSU arived, I put it in. No power at all.. not even the fan of the PSU starts turning. I checked the cords, I checked the wall sockets.. everything works...
one thing you might wanna check if the wire going from the power switch to the board, i know it sounds stupid, but it might of just come off, failing that, try removing things like, harddives, cd-roms, anything else untill your down to just your board, failing that, then it has to be your motherboard.
Since I bough a completely new psu and connected it the cord from the psu to the mobo is fine. Shouldn't the PSU fan start turning even if something is broken?
Double check the PSU again. Then if its still not working possibly check if your mobo has a build in graphics and VGA port if it does take your gpu out and connect ur vid cables to the inbuilt port. If its still not working that means that its def not the old card with power etc not that that should be an issue anyway . Thats just a possible step but its more tahn likely and sounds like your PSU it could even be your mother board.
I don't quite understand what you're saying here. The psu is new, and the gfx card is new too. Those shouldn't be a problem.
http://www.overclock.net/faqs/96712-how-jump-start-power-supply-psu.html Follow that guide and test your PSU's if they both start up... Follow the cord from the on/off switch on the front of the case and make sure its secure where it connects to the motherboard. If it still wont start.. Then i'm willing to bet its the CPU or Motherboard, or even Video if its onboard (think the pc will still start... just no video would be output). The only way to really test either of those (CPU/MB) is to replace them, or swap with a second computer to see what works. You could also try pulling out your sticks of ram one at a time, see of that helps.