This has to do with my main which never has had a bot linked to it so I'm not posting the template. My main was banned this morning for abuse of economy. No trades. 40-50 auctions a day. That's it. I hand played everything. Good bye old account. I am waiting on a appeal but eh I'm pretty burnt out of mop. Now on the other hand my bots were untouched. At least for now.
They investigate pretty carefully now, they even ban by invites,guildinvites. Like you can be other computer other ip with an account they still link it by it.
Tried to add game time to my expired main account from WOTLK, closed this morning same excuse. Tried to level a goblin in the starter zone only to be closed for "Abuse of Economy" --- cause I was totally abusing the economy...
Abuse of economy is probably the easiest to get un banned. If you really didn't do anything like abusing it. I wrote in and got unbanned, not even 72hr. It was just removed. You will get unbanned, if you are really innocent.
No they aren't reversing it. Probably because years ago this account was first banned when I was a lazy botter and sent all my farmed crap to my main to sell. Got it unbanned, same thing happened near the end of Cata. So now with those I am guessing thats why they won't reverse it. Obviously they are watching my IP and every account on it since they banned that fresh account only 12 hours old. I guess I hit a nerve with them...
You sold gold and you got caught, then from what you wrote we can assume you got total IP ban or similar! Better clean your system and start over. But if you never sold gold, or traded ingame goods for anything outside game, then keep fighting, like PureLife said, if you are innocent, you have your chances, but if you traded, your accounts are gone, indeed!
NEVER said I sold gold btw. Blizzard also closed/canceled my ticket I put in without replying. I was working at the time it was canceled.