The first time I got perma banned was apparently just over a year ago "Now after reviewing this issue. I see that this has happened once before about just over a yr ago". Then I got the ban over turned with no suspension or anything (maybe an hour or 2 waiting on the ticket to go through.) This time I got hit with a 72 hour after having the perma ban overturned. Is the next ban pretty much a guaranteed goodbye to my account? Should I push to get the 72 hour taken off also? Could this cause them to investigate more and change it back to a perma ban (I seriously doubt it, can you imagine how pissed some people would get?). If I add another account to the same will they look into this accounts history if they are reviewing the other for bots/third party software?
Depends. If you attached WoD to the account it will buy you at least 1 more perma ban. You need to pay attention to what areas are client-side scripted and which profiles not to use (Sra'Vess as an example). I always do this, it doesn't hurt. The most I've seen is maybe a GM get annoyed. I've never had a 72-hr reversed but some have (unicornshit as an example). They will not reverse it back to a perma. Accounts are never investigated past a report, or the auto-ban script. I've successfully have been botting on many accounts that have been 72-hour banned before. Nothing.
I attached WoD yesterday ROFL guess that used up that perma ban. I was using a public mining profile (I know yuck) from gokkeman. Is there somewhere to easily get a private profile (willing to pay)? I know you can make your own pretty easily, but I'd prefer someone with a bit more expertise to make one for me instead. Preferably for townlong stepps.
Apparently they'll re-look into the account if you give them a reason, I just got changed back to a perma ban before the suspension even wore off.