Merhaba herkse Profil : Frequently Asked Questions: Q. When I load your profile and click start, my character just flies around. It will target a pet but will not start any battles. A. You probably need to set the range to a larger distance. The Max Range you can set is 300 yards. This will be large enough to trigger any battle. benim yukarida belirtilen sorunum var.profili ayarladim ama havada sadece u?uyo ve hi? pet kasmiyo.nerden bi "distance" i 300 yapcam ?yardimci olun lutfen
Halletim Plugin indirmem gerekiyomuş , eğer sizde ayni sorunu yaşadiysaniz , team-random - Revision 334: /trunk/PokeBuddy/Pokehbuddy plgin lerde indirin.