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  • Petition for Non Censoring x64 threads.

    Discussion in 'Discussions (no Ban Reports here)' started by pimpampum, Jul 25, 2015.

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    1. pimpampum

      pimpampum Member

      Nov 29, 2012
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      It seems that apparently speaking about what many (others not) consider a very important Ban reason if not the most important, Honorbuddy being x32 instead of x64, is being straight up censored, and threads closed.

      So, if you have answered "we're not gonna do it", we cannot talk about the implications of it?

      That's pure censorship. And sad.

      Enough with that, buddystaff. We can remember Bossland himself having to intervene due to a censhorship spree by mods lately. I would rather not see it happening again.

      This is the Ban Discussion forum- can we get to talk about Ban reasons here please?
    2. chinajade

      chinajade Well-Known Member Moderator Buddy Core Dev

      Jul 20, 2010
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      Thread closed.
      The "64 bit" issue has already been addressed MANY times by the Development staff.
      Continuing to reopen this topic should be cause for infraction, but we've been overlooking it so far.

      The conspiracy theories about "Honorbuddy is 32-bit only" being a contribution to banning have absolutely no idea of what they're talking about. Additionally, they do not understand the software issues involved. And for many reasons, the development staff will not discuss them publicly.

      Please remember that Moderators take all their direction directly from Bossland and his chief moderator, Tony. The moderators enforce forum rules according to their wishes. The forums are a private venue, owned by Bossland GmbH. You do NOT have 'freedom of speech' here, and we will certainly shut down any trolling, foul language, or attempts to seed discord.

      Moderators do not need to be 'informed' of how to do their job by those with an incomplete understanding fo what is going on.
      Please do not open another thread on this topic.

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