Hello.. I have had this annoying issue for ages now, and I decided to try and post about it to check out if there's a solution. My friends can bot and open warcraft 3 in the meanwhile, I cannot. If I open any non windows mode game my bot starts moving until i tab. I have tried with Mafia II, Warcraft 3, Starcraft 2 and every time it stops. I can watch movies, open facebook, play diablo in windows mode and stuff - but every non windows mode game wont work for me, but it works for other. So basically: Is there a way to bot while playing Warcraft and games like that ?
You have to run games on windowed mode aswell. There's also a "windowed fullscreen" mode, which doesn't have the borders, but it might require to be customized for each game. Try using google for this mode.
Well when I bot WoW in windowed on my laptop whilst playing other fullscreen games, however my second laptop are not able to do it..?