Do you not think that Blizzard really knows who cheats, bots, etc. I think that they should .. We say that 10 000 out of 1 million cheats / bots, etc. If they would ban all time: There are approximately 13 million player today. This means that 130 000 out 13 million Cheats ~ This means that only a month paying these "bad" people ? 1,690,000 to Blizzard every month. Then in about two months ~ Cataclysm is live, which would mean that Blizzard If so, would be ? 3,248,700 less. It becomes much when the sums are assembled .. Then, what if Blizzard has hired Bossland to make these programs? As the players get tired of the game and must keep as many as possible until further notice. (Hehe that was a joke, but could be true but, who knows) Did not read through it
A very important fact is usually overlooked. Imagine WoW without bots. It would be grim. Lets say 12 mil players actually play fair(1 mil know it sounds crazy). Imagine the resources that this players would consume...flasks, gems, enchants, etc. Prices would be so high that a enchant would be luxury. A gem would cost somewhere around 500-1000g. Now take into account that most of the players don't have gold at all. They usually struggle to buy the food/flasks to be able to raid at the current prices. The economy would crash in a second...only the elite of the players would be able to play properly, and Blizz doesn't want that. This is why they tolerate bots to a certain extent and allow people to use them.
Well, good point WoW without bots would crash in matter of days, also too many bots would make it too easy to be funny, there must be some limit (like with everything) that Blizzard tolerates.