Hi, Please be careful botting i recommend not botting at this time as people are getting banned within 2 hours of using the new release if you care about your account just a heads up
I've been going for more than 2 hours without a ban so.. I must be really lucky since I didn't get hit with the 6 month ban.
chill your tits luke, and stop freaking ppl out if you r a blizztard fanboy, take your sh!t elsewhere... been botting since last night for 8 hours and relogged to check, my account still live and kicking ffs, stop posting crap and spamming this forum !
I've been botting sporadically since downloading the new HB release. Even so I've only been using one part of it, and that part isn't entirely automatic.
Gamestop has it on sale for $9.99 each along with Warlords of Draenor for $29.99. If you live in the United States, they will send you the codes over email.
jup, just check the amount of guys who are banned... they are like 20(30?) compare that to the banwave and say its detected one more time
I'm botting sice 2011 and have lost 2 accs in these years after the release yesterday i start botting again and today 5/5 are banned so maybe ur just a bossland fanboy i don't care but stop posting crap without using ur brain in da board
the bann happens today morning i got 4 dc's at the same time (and the emailwith the ban notifications) and feew minutes later the last 5. acc same game got dc and was banned
You guys that didnt get banned, im curious what type of firewall/anti virus protection are you using ?
72h suspension for use of unapproved third party software. Used DungeonBuddy from release until about an hour ago. Got the suspension while running kicks profile in Hyjal. Took them about an hour to suspend me after I decided it to switch bottingmethod. WARNING: Do NOT use Kicks profiles to level. The ban/suspension risk is WAY too high. EDIT: Screenshot here -> http://imgur.com/QqfFiat