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  • PLEASE HELP - Setting Up BOT

    Discussion in 'Buddy Wing Forum' started by lucca7, Jun 21, 2015.

    1. lucca7

      lucca7 New Member

      Jun 1, 2014
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      Before I am trolled, please realize that I have already read the guide thoroughly. The GUIDE However appears to be incomplete. There appears to be a Zip File or something missing, which I assume will allow me to download the Routine.

      Either way, I cannot properly setup the BOT. Someone please help me out - There is a Zip File of something missing that gives me those green icons and allows me to download for example the PURE Routine.
    2. lucca7

      lucca7 New Member

      Jun 1, 2014
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      Actually - I just found this old post buried in a thread - so not easily found. Therefore, Please allow me to paste it into here. This will be helpful for other people as this information is clearly not in the main guide - thus its missing information as there is No Mention of SVN in the original guide. Anyway, here is the proper installation and setup explanation;

      First you need to access the SVN here: https://subversion.assembla.com/svn/...unk/PureSwtor/

      If you don't know how to get SVN's to work, you need to read the thread here: http://www.thebuddyforum.com/honorbu...pdate-svn.html

      Create a new folder in your Buddywing/Routines folder. Name it PureSWTOR. Now, using your SVN client, update from the PureSwtor SVN server. Your SVN client will download a bunch of files.

      Next, start up SWTOR. Make sure you run it in ADMINISTRATOR mode. Log into your Madness Sorc, and once he/she's in the world, you can start up Buddywing. Again, make sure Buddywing is in ADMINISTRATOR mode.

      Buddywing will load up, and you should see that it has recognized your character's class and spec. If it doesn't, that means you haven't added your skill points correctly (best bet is to fill out one tree first, don't use hybrids).

      Once Buddywing loads up, click on the second tab at the top. You'll see that the Default Routine is selected under the Routines drop-down menu. Open that menu and select PureSWTOR. You can also select UnPure, but that rotation will handle movement, which you don't want.

      After you've selected Pure, one of two things will happen: 1. The rotation will load fine and you'll be all set, or 2. The bot will freak out and you'll get a bunch of Compiler Errors in the log. If #2 happens, you need to shut down the bot, go to your Buddywing folder, and find the folder called Compiled Assemblies. Open this folder, and delete everything inside. Then simply restart the bot and you should be okay.

      Once your rotation is loaded, you need to go back to the original tab at the top, and select your profile. Since you want to handle movement, you simply need to select a blank profile. Conveniently, Pure has a blank profile, called "Combat Bot" included in the SVN download. You'll find it in your Routines/PureSWTOR folder. Simply click the Load button, select Combat Bot, and click the Start Button. Your character should now perform his/her rotation.

      I should finally add that Pure is built around level 55 characters, and sometimes won't function on lower level characters. That is because our routine is built around a Priority Selector, so if you're missing certain abilities, it can lock up the routine. If this happens, you should try Walter's or Joe's routine instead. If not, enjoy Pure!
    3. strepie

      strepie New Member

      Jun 11, 2012
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      I am curious - why would you go through all that trouble to download an unsupported combat routine, and not use the default routine that comes bundled with the bot itself? The default routine is also written by the great and awesome Ama (writer of Pure/unpure), but it supports the new version of SWTOR whereas PURE does not.
      Joe's was great as well but not supported atm...Walters...well...he basically took Joe's code and changed a few things around with the help of the community.
      Anyway, just curious - and maybe I am missing something important by using the default routine. Ya never know.. ;)

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