Requesting path on 130 from <33.08062, 4, -149.7472> to <-144.5182, -1.358093, -169.6651> No viable path from <33.08062, 4, -149.7472> to <-144.5182, -1.358093, -169.6651> in 00:00:00.3654658 ms
Looks like you are requesting a path to the aetheryte, problem is they have huge barriers around them that prevent direct paths. What you'll need todo is shift the location X and Z by a bit.
Try this Code: <If Condition="GetQuestStep(66105) == 1"> <MoveTo XYZ="-143.5182, -1.358093, -172.6651" /> <TalkTo InteractDistance="5.0" QuestId="66105" StepId="1" NpcId="9" XYZ="-144.5182, -1.358093, -169.6651" /> <TalkTo InteractDistance="3.0" QuestId="66105" StepId="1" NpcId="1001286" XYZ="-88.9754, 2.55, -51.16351" /> </If> Try adjusting the XYZ if its not close enough in the MoveTo