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  • Please update us on the situation

    Discussion in 'Hearthbuddy Forum' started by NiklasNikke, Oct 17, 2014.

    1. NiklasNikke

      NiklasNikke New Member

      Jul 15, 2010
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      As we have discussed before, there has been a lack of updates.
      So, what's the situation, are you guys working on something or is it just finished?
      The AI is still lacking compared to others (Default or Silverfish, although Botmaker is doing a good job, I guess he could use some help or incentives to keep improving it).

      Other than this what about improved human mode, improved statistics, a built-in relogger, automatic arena drafting (comparable to ArenaValue), stop on X rank, etc.
      There is lots that could be done, but I don't know if any of these things are being worked on.

      Please let us know if anything is in the working or what you guys are looking for. I'm really loving the Buddy products, but this one has not been doing too well compared to others.
      I'm not writing this to complain about your work, but I'd like to know what the plan is.

    2. pushedx

      pushedx Moderator Moderator Buddy Core Dev

      Sep 24, 2013
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      An "update" thread going into more details about upcoming project changes and what is being worked on will most likely be made later this week once all the information required is ready for presentation.

      There's not much to tell users right now other than a lot of behind the scenes work is still taking place. After this phase is done, there will be more communication and community interaction done once we know everything that needs to be done, and have a plan in place to implement it.

      The current process being used is a ground-up approach. All aspects of the project are being looked into, starting with the core API, to identify the real problems and come up with solutions for them as well as other issues related to shortcomings in the current API. However, the specific information concerning what has actually been done is really technical, and doesn't translate into something most users can understand. Needless to say, there's a lot that is going to be updated.

      So, for now, all I can tell you is that the bot is still being worked on, and we're doing all the things necessary to address the current problems with HSB, but users won't be able to see or experience these results yet, since it's all with the inner workings of the bot itself. In order to avoid causing issues with the current Release version, a new Beta version will be created so users can follow progress, but more information on that will come in the near future.
    3. SIL3N7

      SIL3N7 Active Member

      Jun 12, 2012
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      Glad to hear that there will be a beta. always willing to help.

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