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  • Ploughshares to Swords quest problem

    Discussion in 'Honorbuddy Support' started by Merlin75, Apr 21, 2014.

    1. Merlin75

      Merlin75 New Member

      Mar 13, 2014
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      So I went to bed hoping I'd have a few more levels when I woke up..
      (Note: times are log-time, local time I'm in Dubai for work so it was appropriate sleep time lol)
      I left the bot unattended at about 18:51 after watching it do a vendor run with my vendor mount..
      Here's what actually happened while I slept..
      For the quest QuestId: 28201, QuestName: Ploughshares to Swords] picked up at 19:21:14 on line 24638 of the attached logfile.
      The bot started this quest at 19:22:21 on line 24664 "Goal: InteractWith-v1367: "Ploughshares to Swords" (http://wowhead.com/quest=28201)"
      The goal was to recruit 8 Ramkahen Laborers.
      I see "[InteractWith-v1367(debug)] Interact with 'Ramkahen Laborer' succeeded." at 8 lines; 24676, 24690, 24705, 24720, 24793, 24807, 24822, 24837
      Then at 19:23:05 on line 24842 I see "[InteractWith-v1367(debug)] InteractWith behavior complete. Reached our required count of 8."
      The bot moves on to kill Riverbed Crocolisk before returning to try and turn in QuestId: 28201 at 19:27:43 on line 36357 with;
      "Goal: Turning in Quest - Ploughshares to Swords : QuestID - 28201 : To - High Commander Kamses : ID - 46134"
      The first turn-in attempt was at 19:27:59 on line 26382 "YourCurrentTarget: changed to: High Commander Kamses"
      Then this starts repeating:
      [19:27:59.485 D] InteractDebug:713147256
      [19:27:59.486 D] Interact Done:713147256
      [19:28:02.538 N] Tried to complete quest 5 times with no success
      [19:28:02.538 N] Closing Questframe
      It continued nonstop....
      [23:32:03.555 D] InteractDebug:713147256
      [23:32:03.556 D] Interact Done:713147256
      [23:32:06.609 N] Tried to complete quest 5 times with no success
      [23:32:06.609 N] Closing Questframe
      [23:32:06.610 D] InteractDebug:713147256
      [23:32:06.610 D] Interact Done:713147256
      [23:32:08.332 N] Stopping the bot!

      It continues until I returned and checked the bot and found it opening and closing the quest window at 23:32 when I stopped the bot manually at 23:32:08 on line 63812.

      After opening my quest pane I find that only 7 of the Ramkahen Laborers had been recruited so there was no way to turn in the quest.

      My character was standing at the questgiver for just over four hours.. that has got to look suspicious, both from a player perspective as well as a server perspective..
      I see the check that it tried 5 times within the Questframe before closing it, shouldn't there be a check that if it tried 5 times by 5 times then re-check the quest to see WHY it's not working?

      Log attached:

      View attachment 126216

      PS. When I re-started the bot, the Quest Log check shows the following;
      "Ploughshares to Swords"(Ploughshares to Swords - Quest - World of Warcraft) incomplete
      Ramkahen Laborer recruited: 7/8 (type: KillMob)
      so, of course, it ran and completed the last one.. however it took two tries to do so..
      Between lines 397 and 425 of the second attached log snip, I see the two interactions it took for the bot to complete the final 8th recruitment, I can't tell why the first one failed, but apparnetly somehow the bot knew so it went and grabbed another one... The only difference is the InteractDebug:824460476 vs 824599856
      (Second log file View attachment 126217 is a continuation of the first file but trimmed to only what was new since the last line of the previous attachment)

      (I have another question that I asked elsewhere too, but this is another example)
      In the above shorter logfile, at line 380 the bot mounted my flying mount, Hearthsteed, to fly from the questgiver where I started the bot, to the hunting ground where it needed to complete the quest, which is great. But after completing the quest, at line 588 it mounted my ground mount, fossilized raptor. Why does the bot chose to use a ground mount when it's so much slower and causes unnecessary interaction with hostile mobs? (i.e. it had to kill another Riverbed Crocolisk on it's way back to the quest turn-in because it was on the ground).

      At line 438 it had already set it's goal to "Turning in Quest - Ploughshares to Swords : QuestID - 28201"
      But immediately after, at line 441 it decided to kill something on the way "Setting Riverbed Crocolisk at 100 yards as your target"
      THEN it mounted up (ground) and ran to turn in the quest..

      All in all, THANK YOU for a great profile, I just hope these bugs can get worked out!
    2. CodenameG

      CodenameG New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      well theres a few things.
      [18:11:38.609 D] (Singular) 279 ms of Latency in WOW

      your getting a good amount of lag in game, if at that time it had dropped down a bit more. that could of been why honorbuddy had problems turning in the quest. it sends the interact, and if the server dosnt respond in a decent amount of time it fails and tries again, thats why you see it interact with the quest giver a few times.

      also your running a LOT of wow addons, try disabling them to see if that helps.
    3. Merlin75

      Merlin75 New Member

      Mar 13, 2014
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      Okay thanks I will try killing all the addons while botting...
      As for the lag, yay hotel internet.. LoL..

      But the bigger question is, if it's trying to turn in a quest where all of the objectives haven't been met, wouldn't it make sense for HB to re-check the objectives (like it does on start-up) to make sure they have been met as opposed to standing around for four hours spam-clicking the questgiver? Seems like if simply stop/start of HB fixes a bot standing in one place for hours on end, there should be an easy way to automate that..
    4. CodenameG

      CodenameG New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      its not as easy as you think, because certain things get cached and some dont. its a messy operation.

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