oh TONY finally Hey theproblem is it wont take any ore and herbalism at Vashj'r and when the bot is found the ore or herb it stay and wont take it and make blacklist for that XD ( pls help me tony
The first problem is that you're playing Alliance... but that can't be helped right now... Now, onto the real issue... I can't see why it's not gathering, but you've got something wrong with your CC - FPSWare Hunter... It should be in FPSWare Hunter under your CustomClasses subdirectory... so in your case: C:\Program Files\HonorBuddy\CustomClasses\Fpsware Hunter\ If it is... try deleting it and completely reinstalling it... (or use FelHunter: http://www.thebuddyforum.com/honorbuddy-forum/classes/hunter/32301-felhunter-raid-dungeon-cc.html ) Don't know if that would fix your problem... but I'd start there and then try and run it again.
The log is for Dun Morogh zone, not Vashj'ir. I think you need to be level 85 to mine/herb there. Edit: actually you can start here at 80, my bad. Edit 2: Have you visited a trainer yet to increase your skill cap?
for Tony : yes i got special bag only for mining and herb for Kickazz : yes i click auto loot on wow settings for Altoids : im on do thats and on trying it hope it fix on my problem for Soulbound13 : yes im already visited my skill trainer and now it on 525 and when it just stay the bot say (No data for Azeroth_23_42.etm)