Very simple plugin which will enable your character to kill the rogue or the annoying player who is trying to be smart by getting too close to you so that you can't hit him with spells. Features: Checks to see if Target is not in line of sight Makes sure that you're not moving (looks buggy if are moving, which is why it's only for casters) Targets the player if he is behind you Only targets players Only works in Combat In Line of Spell Sight (for spells like healing you don't need to face etc) I have personally seen this work against a warrior that was on low hp and so was I, and I totally owned him with a Mind Blast as he tried to avoid my casting spells which Singular would have definitely missed. If you've found that Singular or another Custom Class doesn't target players who are close to you and misses those casting spells because it's not facing the target then this is for you .
Thank you for this, it is nice to have something similar to Glue, merely for the rest of us. Additionally, I made it work with a hunter and added in a check for proximity to disengage, as it wasn't supported in my cc. I'll have to upload it later when I'm at home; thanks again. mellome