Hello, It's the simple auto Bladebone Hook buff plugin. Know bug: Duble usage, but I don't know why. Sorry. View attachment csali.zip
hehe, source looks familiar.. add a stopwatch or something to use the item, you can get two pulses before wow is able to catch up and set the correct aura on you. Should remove the double cast.. something like.. PHP: public int BUFF = 182226; public int ITEMID = 122742; public static DateTime lastHookUsed = DateTime.Now; public override void Pulse() { try { if (!Me.Mounted && !Me.IsFlying && !Me.IsDead && !Me.IsGhost && !Me.OnTaxi && !Me.IsOnTransport) { if (!Me.HasAura(BUFF)) { WoWItem potion = Me.BagItems.FirstOrDefault(h => h.Entry == ITEMID); if (potion == null) { return; } if ((potion != null) && //has item (potion.CooldownTimeLeft.TotalMilliseconds <= 0) && //item not on cooldown (lastHookUsed < (DateTime.Now + new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 20, 0)))) //we are not on internal cooldown from applying last hook { Logging.Write(Colors.LightCoral, "Csali felrakva!!"); potion.Use(); lastHookUsed = DateTime.Now; //update time } } } return; } catch {} } }