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  • [Plugin] Candy Bucket Buffs Remover

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by no1knowsy, Oct 25, 2011.

    1. no1knowsy

      no1knowsy Well-Known Member

      Feb 28, 2010
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      To start this off, this is only to be used with these two profiles!
      [H - Fly] Trick and Treats of Azeroth (Achievement) (2011) [IDK]
      [A - Fly] Candy Buckets (2011) [Kick]

      What it does:
      It will remove the buffs that you can get from doing the Trick or Treats during Hallows End.

      What you need to do:
      Open up the READ_ME.txt and read that.
      It explains how you will edit the plugin file to work with your current WoW Clients language.

      Because someone wanted it, and I was bored.

      The files are in the SVN linked in my Signature! Don't ask me why there is no download link.

      How to: Install:
      Take the folder from my SVN named "CandyBucketAuras" and drop it into your "/Honorbuddy/Plugins/" folder.
      When loading HB click on plugins, make sure CandyBucketAuras is checked (to on)

      Just found out how easy it is to change languages on WoWHead.
      I have edited the file/settings so it is now easier for the user to change languages.
      You will only have to copy and paste what language you are using over the "English" at the beginning,
      and most likely have to replace the "/cancelaura" with whatever it would be in your client language.

      I have tested this, on English client, and it works very quickly :)
      The buff should be gone within 1 second of appearing on your character.

      Got some problems?
      Post a full log in this thread, what buff you had, what client language. (Attach it, Do not copy and paste!)

      -Brought to you by: I Don't Know - Dev Team (IDK)
      Last edited: Oct 25, 2011
      GoldenWitch likes this.
    2. no1knowsy

      no1knowsy Well-Known Member

      Feb 28, 2010
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      Updated. Much easier to change settings. All names for buffs in other languages pulled directly from WoWHead.
      Updated (barely). Added a Thread.Sleep() just in case your HB Pulse() is going faster than hell so it wont end up using 100% of CPU.
      Last edited: Oct 25, 2011
    3. GoldenWitch

      GoldenWitch New Member

      May 16, 2011
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      I already love you, even though I'm leaving for work and won't be able to test it until later (it's 6 in the morning at my place atm).

      Will let you know how it behaves on russian client once I test it!
    4. GoldenWitch

      GoldenWitch New Member

      May 16, 2011
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      Tested it!

      Here's how it worked out:

      First I forgot to change 'English' to 'Russian'.

      It didn't cancel the aura this way, BUT for some reason it actually realized that I had the aura and I had the 'canceled aura' in logs (even though it didn't really cancel it).

      Then I changed it to 'Russian' and nothing worked at all. No messages, no cancelling.

      So I tried doing this:

      I've bolded the important part.

      When I did that, it magically worked. In other words, in order for the bot to realize that I have the aura, it must be compared with the english names. No idea why it works the way it does. But when it comes to canceling, you have to have the localized name.

      Thank you very much for this awesome stuff, now I can finally afk all my toons with this. :p
    5. no1knowsy

      no1knowsy Well-Known Member

      Feb 28, 2010
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      Hmmm... Cool :)
    6. Rockandroller

      Rockandroller New Member

      Mar 12, 2012
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      Hope you dont mind but I have simply modified this addon to remove Lifegiving Seed so it can be used on my herbing bot.
      It cancels the Herbouflage aura when the bot tries to move on after eating / drinking.
      To do this I just changed the one line below from "Costumes" to "Herbouflage" the rest I left the same and it works a treat, if you wanted you could change the announcement in the but but I dont really mind that!

      private string[] costumes = {"Herbouflage"};

      I deleted the rest of the list of costumes and just had the one line under the English language line number 43.

      I hope this helps you herb farmers out there.

      +rep to no1knowsy for making the plugin and if he has a problem with me altering this then sorry and feel free to delete my post :D

    7. no1knowsy

      no1knowsy Well-Known Member

      Feb 28, 2010
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      All good yo. You can actually upload the modified file on this thread for others :)

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