Want to have your Gatherbuddy2 settings per profile? Here you go! When using a reloger (yeah to HBRelog, great tool!) you may want to toss a bunch of HB profiles into one HBRelog profile. However, in some profiles you may want to only pick flowers and only do mining in another. Gatherbuddy2 keeps this information per toon in a Settings.xml file. This file is global for all profiles you run with this specific toon. I coded a plugin that allows us to put a GatherbuddySettings in a Gatherbuddy profile: PHP: <HBProfile> ... <GatherbuddySettings> <GatherHerbs>False</GatherHerbs> <GatherMinerals>True</GatherMinerals> </GatherbuddySettings> ... </HBProfile> You can have a look at your local GatherbuddySettings.xml for a list of possible settings. Simply copy&paste them. Be warned that the placement of a GatherbuddySettings element in a HBProfile breaks the validation of the profile. No big deal, it just shows a warning. View attachment GB2ConfigLoader.cs (also to be found in my SVN trunk/plugins) Happy gathering!