GroupGreeter What does GroupGreeter do? Simply speaking, GroupGreeter will send a pre-defined message to the instance group chat whenever you enter a new LFG group or raid. You can set the message in the settings window of the plugin. It can be up to 220 characters long. Why use GroupGreeter? Although LFG party chats usually remain quiet, greeting your fellow players adds a human touch. Especially useful when using DungeonBuddy as a Tank in random groups. Have fun & enjoy Changelog Code: v0.0.3.4: -fixed logging -added option to use up to 5 greetings; selection is random [Experimental]: mark bosses with "skull" raid mark; tank exclusive ---> must be turned on directly in the Settings .xml file v0.0.2.1: -initial public release
Pretty sick idea. Something to perhaps add on would be to let the user enter more than one predefined message, and it could choose one of them to say - that way you're not saying the exact same thing every time.
Cool concept, but I won't use this. Here's my reason, this can start conversation, and if you're like me, and AFK while using dungeonbuddy 80% of the time, you can't carry the conversation. You end up saying your greeting, and that's it. I've been in several dungeons where no one talks at all, which works out perfectly for someone who AFK's a lot. Lets say Blizzard takes a look at your account, sees that you greet every one of your dungeons, then says nothing after that.. ever. Wouldn't you rather have them see that you haven't said anything, along with the rest of the dungeon group?
Hey, check this out. I've fixed chat type selection, as it always put messages into INSTANCE_CHAT. Now it is properly selects PARTY, RAID or INSTANCE_CHAT. Also enabled mark tank option. It was desabled for some reason. Cleaned up the code.