Potion User! What does it suppport? Potion User supports all Bot bases, even LazyRaider when you untick the "Disable Plugins"-option. This Plugin uses potions, elixirs, flask, trinkets, Synapse Springs and Plasma Shield. All you have to do is set it up! Pots will be used when you have Heroism, Bloodlust, Time Warp or Ancient Hysteria. If you want me to add something here is how it goes: When it's a potion, elixir or flask, I need the item id and buff id. If it's an equipped item, I need the slot id with the conditions you want. The option "Questing" counts as follows: If we have a target AND if we are in combat AND (if our target has a higher level than us OR our healthpercent is lower than low health setting OR our target is Elite OR we are surrounded by hostile adds) [B][B][B][B][B][B][B][B][B][B] [CENTER]Credits: Singular Devs Stormchasing Bobby53 greetz Weischbier[/CENTER] [/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B]
That is because the potion of luck has changed since he made this plugin. Edit the items.cs file in notepad and for potion of luck change 76091 to 93351 and just after that HasAura(105699) to HasAura(135855). Thank you for the great plugin Weischbier.
Potion of Luck isn't working.. it's not using a new one when the other one runs out :-/ EDIT: i followed korruptionz guide and it worked! thanks