[Plugin] Screenshot'O'Death DESCRIPTION: I created this plugin in order to obtain a visual reference of the bot when it dies during an AFK grindbot or gatherbuddy session. In most cases combat ends the moment you die. As written, it will take a screenshot a split second prior to releasing your spirit to the nearest graveyard. It will make a log of the date & time of the screenshot in the HB log. Will also write the coordinates of your death to the log. Then you can access your WoW Screenshot folder and sort any existing pics by date & time to locate your specific shot. This will only take a screenshot when player is completely out-of-combat. I did this to prevent the plugin from spamming screenshot after death in a dungeon or raid where party is still in combat and plugin is unable to release your spirit. It's really not meant for dungeon or raid use but I thought it would be prudent to take this precaution if someone forgets to disable this plugin in a raid or dungeon. (WARNING: Definately disable this during the ICC Lich King fight. Most everyone knows by now that you do not want to release your spirit in that fight) NOTE: It sometimes takes several moments for in game combat status to fade after combat has completed. This is an in-game issue and not due to this plug-in, your combat routine or Honorbuddy. ALSO, be sure to ENABLE plugins functionality in bot bases like Enyo and Lazy Raider that have the ability to disable all plugins. LASTLY I'd like to thank CodenameG and others listed in the plugin for hints with the code. INSTALLATION: Take the Screenshot'O'Death.zip file and unzip it in your folder "Honorbuddy/Plugins/" Once that is done you should have the file path "Honorbuddy/Plugins/Screenshot'O'Death/Screenshot'O'Death.cs" UPDATES: Version 2.1 1) Replaced OnEnable & OnDisable overrides Version 2.0 1) Update after WoW patch 6.0.2 (removed Initialize & Dispose overrides due to changes in HB) Version 1.6 1) Will now write coords of death to HB log. (thanks to rotank for this suggestion) 2) Repop no longer instant 3) Will wait 10 sec for ghost after repop to help prevent more than one screenshot from occuring. Any further suggestions for improvement to plugin or code are welcome. If suggesting code improvement, please include a specific example. ^-^
Can you add functionality to record your coords when you die? This would be helpful to generate blacklist spots.
Great idea. I know it's possible because it's built into the developer tools. Now if I can just figure out how to write current xyz coords to the log, in a plugin, we're golden. I'll try. Maybe someone in this wonderful community can give me a hint? (wink)
If I were you, I wouldn't try to control ressing as doing it too fast can crash wow. Also it looks like you don't know C# as you seem to have just copied a template, you asked for code to write to plugin but haven't even checked if you're in-game or using OnEnable.
I use this code to write to a file and re-read it after X seconds for my StuckDetector, It's unreleased because it's all-in-one Class2.cs so poor structure but does work.