Greetings, all, I'm sure the problem is an ID-10-T error (idiot) on my part; however, I just can't seem to figure out out... I've sent four PMs out to people over the past three weeks, and none of them responded. I was starting to feel a little unloved when it occurred to me to try sending a PM to myself. I sent one, it went to my "Sent Items" box, but I never 'received' it. So now I have a total of five items in my "Sent Items" box, but nothing received. At this point, I'm convinced that the PMs are not making it to the people to which they were sent. Does anyone have a clue as to what I'm doing wrong? thanks 10e6! CJ
I have to say I sent you a PM the other day about the Wiki, thanking you from taking my cludge and making it your own and amazing etc, and never got a reply, I felt slighted too. But then I though well its not my work any more you have done so much more than I have its all down to you so I though you might have though I was being cheeky... Any hoo GREAT WORK on the WIKI its amazing. Thanks... Rooster71
i've sent a few about a seperate topic without reply so dont think they are working either and i cant use my hb at the mo