Was wondering if anyone had a working Poseidus farm. I looked into Rarekiller but it seems that is no longer beeing kept updated, and could not find anything else. Any help would be much appreciated .
Took me 5 seconds using the boards search function: https://www.thebuddyforum.com/honor...utral/177916-poseidus.html?highlight=poseidus
I have tried a few different profiles but for me the bot will just stop moving it has something to do with Vashj'ir I have not tried this one tho. will give it a shot but i was having the same problem as Phenton https://www.thebuddyforum.com/honorbuddy-forum/honorbuddy-support/198300-stopping-vashjir.html Ill have to try again because it seems like only me and him were having this problem. Noct157 let me know how it goes for you. maybe no one elce is reporting the problem because no one goes there? ill also post my findings when i can.
Yes, I was aware of that one, but like Silent said it seems that the ones that are out there appear to be broken or reliant on Rarekiller to be updated / working. I did spend a little more than 5 seconds searching the forums before I posted. If I find any working profiles I'll keep you informed as well.
Nope, same issue here. I really don't understand why this stops where it does and does not continue to run its circuit & I did and I am sure others did as well, the one you posted is the one that is broken, tried finding error in code and there doesn't seem to be any, giving up for now, will try again when I have more time
Really? Looks to me like it doesn't have any MobIds and its maxlevel isn't adjusted for draenor, and I'm not that familiar with grind profiles but the basic ones I use have <GrindArea> tags to encompass the hotspots and everything else.
Take the 5 spawning point coordinates (they are in existing grind/GB2 profiles), take a quest bot profile (for example https://www.thebuddyforum.com/honor...u-strider-zandalari-warbringers-pandaria.html), change the coordinates and enter the mobid for Poseidus... Its rather easy to make something like this, but unfortunately i dont have time to test it.
Not quite sure if it would work, if the problem is Nespirah causing the bot to get stuck between two spawns. Idk anything about making my own profile tho, so I could just be completely mistaken.
So change the hotspots, change the order and force it, or alternatively someone with profile-experience could make it so it does a cycle in a specific order then moves to a certain spot and then repeats the hunt again (terminatewhen="wow point blah blah")
Why don't you attempt it and ask for any help? It'll only help you in future endeavours if you learn how to quickly do simple profiles now