Hello Support, I was recommended to post this video her instead, as it might be an issue within RB, and not the profile/plugins I'm running. The text below is a copy from Discord chat/support, where I asked for help/advices how to fix this error. Hope you can help, thanks! /Dreamteam Hi Guys, The crazy dane is back again. As some of you might know, I have some issues when runing ExFateBot and Destiny. I get an "error" appering on my screen. I have tryed to make a video around this error so that you guys can see it. I have spooken to @Wheredidigo about this error, but he says it has nothing to do with Destiny. So if this error is not made by Destiny, is there anyone who can explaine to me what causes this, and how can it be solved? I have used Destiny and ExFateBot erlier on 2 other jobs, and haven't had this issue at all. Now when on DRK, and this started aproximently 14 days ago. I will post the video I've made (and no laughing, englis is not my strongest side) - And I will post last log and I post my specs how my PC looks like. I have recently upgraded my RAM, and have today ordere a new HDD that will be a SSD disk, and a new graphic card that will be the same as I ahve, just an higher version, belive it is a 960 serie. Anyone who have an idea on what this can be, please let me know, because I'm blank, no idea what causes this error. When the movie starts I talk abit about and around my issue and error. But if you take the movie into 14:37 there is the error popping up and freezez the game and RB. And go abit furter down to 15:43, then I shoot a closer photo so you can see what it says on the error. Thanks guys for the help! /Dreamteam THe Movie clip is here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9tfU89H_pw4&feature=youtu.be
Unless you feel ExFatebot does better for you than the default Fatebot, i would only use it in CWH and Dravanian Hinterlands. It does not implement 100% of the base functionality and has a slightly different strategy for attacking enemies I found more suited while leveling 50+ with good gear. I don't think that ExFatebot would be to blame here, but can't really ignore the possibility. It exists purely so you can use flight while doing fates in limited areas or with supervision.