So with heavensward they introduced a new almost unspoiled node called Ephemeral nodes. So for instance, there is one that spawns at 12am/pm and disappears at 4am/pm eorza time. As shown in the quote it respawns as you gather other nodes. Is it possible to set it up to where the gathering profile runs its normal gathering profile but when it detects the other node spawns it priotizes that? Maybe its possible to use <Gatherobjects> around <gatherobject> to allow for more than one node. like this: Code: -<Gather> <GatherObjects> <GatherObject>Ephemeral Rocky Outcrop</GatherObject> <GatherObject>Rocky Outcrop</GatherObject> </GatherObjects> -<HotSpots> <HotSpot name="Rocky Outcrop" XYZ="1xx,-3xxx1,-1xxx9" Radius="150"/> </HotSpots> <ItemNames> <ItemName>Fire Cluster</ItemName> <ItemName>Hardsilver Sand</ItemName> </ItemNames> -<GatheringSkillOrder> <GatheringSkill TimesToCast="1" SpellName="King's Yield II"/> </GatheringSkillOrder> </Gather> I'm curious if this would work or not. Just trying tobrain storm while at work on how to take advantage of these. Manually gathering you can get ~200+ clusters a real time hour by using these nodes.
I tried to use this but it only looks for the first gatherobject and ignores the second. So it runs from hotspot to hotspot looking for the ephemeral which won't pop again until the other nodes have been hit enough. Code: <GatherObjects> <GatherObject>Ephemeral Rocky Outcrop</GatherObject> <GatherObject>Rocky Outcrop</GatherObject> </GatherObjects> For fun I also tried this which did not work Code: <GatherObject>Ephemeral Rocky Outcrop, Rocky Outcrop</GatherObject> and <GatherObject>Ephemeral Rocky Outcrop & Rocky Outcrop</GatherObject> So any input on ways to do this with existing profile capabilities would be nice.
No, the gathertag only supports one node name. Use if tags to break your profile into multiple sections with multiple gathertags.