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  • Potential Ban of my main account

    Discussion in 'Ban Section - Ban Reports' started by crusader43, Dec 29, 2013.

    1. crusader43

      crusader43 New Member

      Oct 14, 2013
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      Well today I had my main account botting using Questing Bot (Kick's Horde lvling profiles 12-58) at lvl 40 in Dustwallow Marsh. The bot had been running for about 4-5hrs. I had been mostly monitoring it and ensuring it wasn't getting stuck etc. I then received a whisper from a warlock on another server saying "Reported" "for botting, I have been following you around and recording you with video for a while now." I immediately responded with "lol, I'm not a bot friend its my 6yr old son playing he really doesn't know what in the world he is doing I just try to help him and instruct him where to go." the guy replies to me "Well everything has been submitted to blizzard to include the video of you botting, its up to them to decide now." again I respond with "well ok if you say so, its my kid though so I'm not worried." The guy leaves me with "well if you weren't doing anything wrong you should have nothing to worry about."

      I immediately submitted my own ticket for harassment saying everything is supervised and monitored. Does anyone think I should be worried about this? Last time I received a 3-day ban on this account running Gatherbuddy 2 on a completely different server. This was a few months ago. I wasn't monitoring when doing that but I have pretty much been watching it all day and don't see where this dude can say I was botting unless he is talking about the toon just sitting there at certain points or something.

      I dunno some of you pro's tell me whatcha think plz! I was also wondering if I should unload all my gold or account xfer my toons to another account to prevent from losing them before they perma ban the account or would that just implicate a new account and get that one taken down too if it goes that far?
    2. rdnb

      rdnb New Member

      Dec 29, 2013
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      I suggest not doing anything which will draw attention. Keep playing the character without botting. Don't transfer gold, items or characters anywhere. That will look suspicious.

      If it was me I probably wouldn't bot for at least a week.

      There is a possibility the guy didn't even report but you never know.
    3. crusader43

      crusader43 New Member

      Oct 14, 2013
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      well i did as u said...thinking it may have been a GM on his own toon testing me...nothing has come of it still playing just not botting that account n e more...thats y i have a bot account hahaha i just got too greedy well glad i could share my good news feel free to lock/delete this post

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