I'm considering purchasing RB. I was wondering is it possible to grind 90% 1-50 using it, & assuming you already have 1 level 50 for the exp boost how long would it take? Any updates on a questing profile? Would I need to download a plugin to equip armor upgrades automatically? I read it's good for fates/gathering mostly, any other useful information I should know?
There's already a bunch of threads asking this. Questing profile does 1-15 for each city, and stops right where you have to enter Sastasha. Its primarily intended for brand new characters, and I wouldn't expect to see a general questing profile that just runs around and does everything anytime soon. Its pretty easy to grind 1-50 using fatebot and whatever plugins/profiles you choose to automate the process. I'm not sure if there's a gear upgrade plugin; I've never used one and it wasn't really that hard to check back once every 10 levels and update gear. In addition to fates and gathering, RB has the best combat routines. I will grant that the lack of a gui makes them a little unwielding for those without CS experience to customize, but it is much more versatile as a result.