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  • priest CC's

    Discussion in 'Honorbuddy Forum' started by basaradavid, Nov 5, 2012.

    1. basaradavid

      basaradavid New Member

      Jul 23, 2012
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      yup, priest CC's are what we are lacking. shadow was screwed over this expansion and this has been tested by me and a few other shadow priests in my guild. even my servers top shadow priest switched to disc for the time being. so im wondering why we dont have many GOOD healing CC's out there for the priest? holy is still viable. its not doing as much healing as disc, but its still got better mana conservation if done right. 2 things im making a general request for, and as a community you can bump all you want til its done and done right.

      1. a good holy priest CC that actually makes use of all of your buffs and stacks (im not much of a holy healer, so if im not mistaken, its serendipity)

      2. a good disc cc that actually has a smite heal option AND works for dungeonbuddy. right now CLU is the best thing out there but it doesnt cast shield unless someone is in trouble. it should maintain shield on the tank.

      anything else feel free to add.
    2. muntahunta

      muntahunta Member

      Jul 20, 2010
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      well first of all, shadow was definatly not screwed over it was just given a whole different play style.

      I am managing to be top on any heroic and atleast top 5 in LFR and so far im mostly ontop of the dps meters in my guild raids. yes they are a little underpowered compared to the other ranged classes but they have been far from screwed over.

      if anything needs a major revamp it is the healing aspects. Priests are supposed to be the pure healers of the game yet they are the worst class for healing at the moment.

      as for priests cc's, I agree we need a good CC however healing isnt the way to go until the patch has fixed the mana problems that disc has.
    3. rascal9

      rascal9 Member

      Aug 8, 2012
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      Under Rocks?
      KingHeals is a sick Ass Disc Healing CC best ive ever used heal through any heroic only OOM on squishy tanks and stupid pulls.
    4. randumb

      randumb New Member

      Sep 29, 2012
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      Yeah +1 for king heals disc cc, I tweaked a couple of settings to diff percentages over a few test run 5man heroics. no mana issues at all and no help from me just set to follow tank and I can afk most dungeons.
      Used it for a few LFR's and topped the healing chart most times if not second.

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