Hi, im pretty new to this kind of stuff. So this may be a simple fix. But im using the quest bot and it gets stuck on the quest " Force of Nature " it keeps trying to pick it up from the guy when its not there anymore cause i think already did it. ( manually ) .. Any advice? Thanks.
what you can do is to open the profile with a text editor and comment out the lines of the specific quest
Commenting in XML consists of finding the line you would like to comment, and wrapping it in "<!--" / "-->" as in: PHP: <Vendor Name="Grella" Entry="23367" Type="Repair" X="-3384.475" Y="3611.3" Z="275.9877" /> would become: PHP: <!-- <Vendor Name="Grella" Entry="23367" Type="Repair" X="-3384.475" Y="3611.3" Z="275.9877" /> -->
<!-- <PickUp QuestName="Force of Nature" QuestId="12803" GiverName="Pilot Vic" GiverId="28746" /> -->