I have a problem since I got the theft yesterday on an account! When a mob of a flower pop, my druid fled the fight and ended up getting stuck and that in any specialization, I re install the bot, the problem persists, I specify that I have not The problem with the no flying accounts.
Il suffit qu'une foule sorte de sorte qu'elle s'arrête, je ne rencontre pas le problème avec le minerai, mais quand une fleur fait de la pop une foule, elle prend la forme de la forme druide au sol, saute et bloque. Je n'ai pas de problèmes avec le robot sans vol pour les mêmes paramètres, j'ai installé honorbuddy, essayant de modifier plusieurs paramètres, essayant une autre routine de combat, le problème persiste.
I have post a lot of screenshoot with the log of hb I dont understand what you want. Take me a log exemple plz
The real problem is that it does not pass from the form of flight to the cat form to harvest herbs, it passes in the form of land travel, runs and jumps right in front and if it crosses an obstacle remains blocked in! When I pass it in the cat form manually it directly attacks the plant
More news ... if I understand well I buy several bot license, the one doesn't work as it should then I write to the support that refer me here and in the end person to solve my problem ... a beautiful Scam !!! You sell a product that doesn't work with druid flight form !!! For summed up, be saying the best bot not functional! Obliged to use a flying mount with a druid then, so cheat ... If I'm reported or ban I will be why ... not happy at all !!!