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  • Problem with key for 30 days

    Discussion in 'Hearthbuddy Support' started by mvmtsmurf, Oct 23, 2015.

    1. mvmtsmurf

      mvmtsmurf New Member

      Apr 3, 2014
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      I guess I should just buy a yearly since ive bought over 12 monthly keys for hearthstone and Diablo FeelsBadMan. This is the second big problem I've had that has made me rage break my computer and kick my sister in the knee. Ok jk about the breaking computer thing, I'm not that stupid. Pretty much I have received a few different error messages: key not attached (not working), and hearthstone not linking even though it was on. Maybe only two but I think there was a third and I am awaiting bossland to get back to my ticket it is indeed a 30 day one and these problems have been happening since patch day. Btw that whole 80% success score on bossland is false i gave my support score to them in and it didn't change so that is kind of shady to fix their own score :(. If you read this I am sorry for my rants but pretty much two known error messages popping up, I can't log into buddy.auth so I know from past that used to be a known issue and wondering how i can get back to botting and do we get retro pay or days back from downtime?
    2. Tony

      Tony "The Bee" Staff Member Moderator

      Jan 15, 2010
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