Hello I have problem when i'm skinning with proffesionbuddy. I'm using singular CC class. The problem: In the beginning it works great he kills and skinns the mobs etc, but after a while he goes like 2-3 meters stops, stands there for around 3 seconds. Goes 2-3 meters again and stops for 3 seconds. Would appriciate any help Here's the log.
Well, I reinstalled honorbuddy started the bot until it started to mess up. That's the only log I have. How do you mean the full log then? It was one for quite some time.
the log which is posted above is not a full log,some lines are missing http://www.thebuddyforum.com/honorbuddy-forum/guides/9859-how-attach-your-hb-log-file-pictures.html
Well that's exactly what I did lol. And as I stated above I just reinstalled honorbuddy started the profile with proffesionbuddy when I came back it was bugging like that and I posted the log here. But guess i'll try it out again later when I have time and post a new one. Thanks for taking a look into this anyways.