Hello. I got this problem, it goes like this: I just purchased the HonorBuddy, and I downloaded a questing/leveling profile for it, so that I asap could use my bot. It were going great, until at level 20, where my bot stopped to attack mobs and pick up quest items. It targets the mob, dismounts and runs. When I get aggro it just stops up, and let the mob kill me. I tried to delete my bot and profile, and re-download it all once again, without any luck. What should I do?
[11:59:46:547] [Singular] Singular currently does not support Combat for this class/spec combination, in this context! [Rogue, AssasinationRogue, Normal] thats the problem use this CC http://www.thebuddyforum.com/honorbuddy-forum/classes/rogue/17792-fpsware-rogue.html
I got another problem though you gave me a great response. I got two sub-folders in "Custom Classes" named; ShamWOW Singular -> Which one should I place the folder called "Fpsware Rogue" at, and what do I actually need to do, for making it work properly? I think I tried, but unfortunately I deleted my HB folder, at emptied my garbage (Duh!)
for any FPSWare profile, you have to read the install instructions carefully and they always tell you exactly what to name the folder... INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS: This must be in folder called Fpsware Rogue inside your HB\CustomClasses folder. and then when you just select that profile when you edit your Settings & Tools or when you Start the bot.
Thank you Altoids. It works now. I just thought I tried everywhere, but apparently I did not try there. Thank you!