Hello, I get the problem since last night that when I do I start the bot this message "Could not find quest giver NPC with ID 26206 in database. Could not create current in quest bot!" Charakter : Lv 74 Human Priest Profil. Kick?s Profil ?ack 1-85 What should I do
it's spawned from an item in your inventory look for a white ball ... named a prison or something it will spawn her
Also Now I have deleted everything and reinstalled and updated HonorBuddy fresh again after I start the bot now he is flying in the Borean Tundra to transitus shield and does nothing! The bot tells me however that: [18:15:41:407] Goal: Dismounting [18:15:41:421] [ForcedDismount-v184(debug) @line 4743]: Dismounting [18:15:41:422] Stop and dismount... [18:15:44:831] Spell_C::CastSpell(6346, 0, 0x58000000329CD0B, 0) [3] [18:15:45:150] Compiling quest behavior from 'C:\Users\Daniel\Desktop\HB Neu 29.01.2012\Quest Behaviors\Misc\RunLua.cs' [18:15:45:466] Goal: RunLua: In Progress [18:15:45:466] Activity: RunLua: UseItemByName(35671) 1 number of times while waiting 1000 inbetween [18:15:45:631] Spell_C::CastSpell(6346, 0, 0x58000000329CD0B, 0) [4] [18:15:45:814] Spell_C::CastSpell(6346, 0, 0x58000000329CD0B, 0) [5] [18:15:46:036] [Singular-DEBUG] Successfully cast Fear Ward [18:15:46:628] Compiling quest behavior from 'C:\Users\Daniel\Desktop\HB Neu 29.01.2012\Quest Behaviors\WaitTimer.cs' [18:15:47:008] Goal: Waiting for Keristrsza 03s [18:15:47:009] Activity: Wait time remaining... 03s... of 04s [18:15:48:060] Goal: Waiting for Keristrsza 02s [18:15:48:060] Activity: Wait time remaining... 02s... of 04s [18:15:49:122] Goal: Waiting for Keristrsza 01s [18:15:49:122] Activity: Wait time remaining... 01s... of 04s [18:15:50:056] Goal: Waiting for Keristrsza 00s [18:15:50:056] Activity: Wait time remaining... 00s... of 04s [18:15:51:103] Picking up Keristrasza : 11946 [18:15:51:103] Goal: Picking up Keristrasza [18:15:51:112] Changed POI to:Type: QuestPickUp [18:16:19:512] Activity: Loading Tile/s [18:17:30:953] Updating repair cost for current equipped items. New value: [6g36s95c] [18:18:46:092] Spell_C::CastSpell(6346, 0, 0x58000000329CD0B, 0) [6] [18:18:46:579] Spell_C::CastSpell(6346, 0, 0x58000000329CD0B, 0) [7] [18:18:46:711] Spell_C::CastSpell(6346, 0, 0x58000000329CD0B, 0) [8] [18:18:46:874] Spell_C::CastSpell(6346, 0, 0x58000000329CD0B, 0) [9] [18:18:47:067] Spell_C::CastSpell(6346, 0, 0x58000000329CD0B, 0) [10] [18:18:47:299] [Singular-DEBUG] Successfully cast Fear Ward [18:20:31:075] Updating repair cost for current equipped items. New value: [6g36s95c] The bot will just stand only Please help me
If you lose your Augmented Arcane Prison, speak to Raelorasz at the Transitus Shield. i think its this quest youre on: Keristrasza - Quest - World of Warcraft Just do the quest by hand, then start the bot after that. Something happend to you questitem and the bot dont know how to get a new one i guess.
There is a special command for forcing the bot to make all the quests in the profile. Find this line: <QuestOrder IgnoreCheckpoints="True" > and change it. If you have a line where it says "true" change it to false and vice versa. I dunno what does which but i know i fiddled with it when i had the same problem.