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  • Problems with running with CC.

    Discussion in 'Honorbuddy Support' started by asamohT, Jan 25, 2012.

    1. asamohT

      asamohT New Member

      Oct 3, 2011
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      Hey guys! :)

      The past few days I've tried to level my priest with my bot - But I had a problem.
      When I run with a CC, ex. Fpsware it won't defend itself.

      Then my friend gave me "HandnavisShadow.cc" and it began to just cast "Power Word: Shield" and "Shadow Word: Pain" on the target + running around in circles.
      But now, I saw a new update for HonorBuddy, and I downloaded it to check if that would help.

      The thing is - I level'd another character and when it hit ~30+ it did the same thing, but my Priest is only level 6.
      And back then it helped with a Fpsware profile.

      Now I am running without any CC, and it seems to work properly - But I can't understand why it won't work with a CC?

      Do you want me to put in a logfile or maybe you guys have had the same trouble?

      Maybe it's just me, who's a bit rusty at HB.

      Anyway, thanks in advance,

      - asamohT
    2. Tony

      Tony "The Bee" Staff Member Moderator

      Jan 15, 2010
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      report it on CC's thread

      you are not running without a CC,thats impossible

      youare on Singular(default)

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