Any eta on the LUA for querying the AH in PB getting updated? seems like a very easy fix Code: <BuyItemFromAH ItemListType="Item" ItemID="58488" MaxBuyout="501g0s0c" Amount="20" BuyAdditively="True" AutoFindAh="True" BidOnItem="False" Location="0, 0, 0" />
PB doesnt give any errors at all and it doesn't log the LUA its using not even if i set it to diagnostic. It basically just queries the entire AH instead of searching for a specific item which is cause of the LUA change in API_QueryAuctionItems i already did the change on my profiles, the lua needs to be changed from Code: Lua.DoString("QueryAuctionItems(\"" + itemName+ "\",nil,nil,nil,nil,nil," + currentQueryPage + ")"); to Code: Lua.DoString("QueryAuctionItems(\"" + itemName + "\",nil,nil,"+ currentQueryPage +",nil,nil,nil,1,nil)"); please note that the "1" in the second code is the new exactMatch parameter