I am trying to farm an instance with grind with Grindbot, but I cant get it to attack elites. I know this has to be done inside the profile but not sure exactly where and the syntex required. I found this line to use but not sure on its placement. <TargetElites>True</TargetElites> I also have the profile I want to use attached here. any help is appreciated.
The biggest part of a grind profile is the <Factions></Factions> command from here you can use the developer tool to find the faction of the mob add it and KOALA! you have an elite grinding profile HOWEVER if you want to avoid mobs you must use <AvoidMobs><Mob Name="name here" Entry="entryID here" /> </AvoidMobs> Jade linked me this. Being a programmer I adapted quite well to it and generated a full profile. here is an example as for your question on target elites use it exactly like this: CLICK ME!!!!!!!!!!! Code: <SubProfile> <Name>85-90 MoP</Name> <MinLevel>85</MinLevel> <MaxLevel>90</MaxLevel> <GrindArea> [COLOR="#FF0000"] <Factions>2000 2200</Factions>[/COLOR] <MaxDistance>60</MaxDistance> [COLOR="#FF0000"] <AvoidMobs> </AvoidMobs>[/COLOR] <Hotspots> <Hotspot X="4.606092" Y="-1726.53" Z="67.44843" /> <Hotspot X="-73.74866" Y="-1742.523" Z="74.72491" /> <Hotspot X="-118.454" Y="-1863.296" Z="65.25442" /> <Hotspot X="-111.6325" Y="-1934.28" Z="58.435" /> <Hotspot X="-105.7725" Y="-1986.223" Z="52.406" /> <Hotspot X="-49.52554" Y="-1920.381" Z="47.33134" /> <Hotspot X="10.20262" Y="-1879.84" Z="43.94357" /> <Hotspot X="59.0186" Y="-1832.945" Z="43.51657" /> <Hotspot X="99.96925" Y="-1782.845" Z="47.17893" /> <Hotspot X="16.13619" Y="-1724.934" Z="66.10349" /> </Hotspots> </GrindArea> <Vendors> <Vendor Name="Singegruff" Entry="56705" Type="Repair" X="1528.802" Y="-1806.385" Z="246.2002" /> </Vendors> <Mailboxes></Mailboxes> </SubProfile> Important areas are noted in red. HOPE THIS HELPS BUDDY! ALSO in your code: Code: <HBProfile> <Name>Fight Here</Name> <MinDurability>0.4</MinDurability> <MinFreeBagSlots>1</MinFreeBagSlots> [COLOR="#FF0000"]<MinLevel>0</MinLevel>[/COLOR] <MaxLevel>91</MaxLevel> [COLOR="#FF0000"]<MailWhite>true</MailWhite> <MailGreen>true</MailGreen> <MailBlue>true</MailBlue> <MailPurple>true</MailPurple> <SellGrey>true</SellGrey> <SellWhite>false</SellWhite> <SellGreen>false</SellGreen> <SellBlue>false</SellBlue> <SellPurple>false</SellPurple>[/COLOR] <Vendors> </Vendors> <Mailboxes> </Mailboxes> <Blackspots> </Blackspots> <GrindArea> <Name>Fight Here</Name> [COLOR="#FF0000"]<TargetMinLevel>2</TargetMinLevel>[/COLOR] <TargetMaxLevel>91</TargetMaxLevel> <Factions>14 310 310 310 15</Factions> <LootRadius>146</LootRadius> [COLOR="#FF0000"]<MaxDistance>146</MaxDistance>[/COLOR] <Hotspots> <Hotspot X="-8428.519" Y="1510.936" Z="32.28184" /> <Hotspot X="-8428.519" Y="1510.936" Z="32.7818374633789" /> </Hotspots> <!-- Factions: Summon Enabler Stalker: Count 5, faction 14, entry 53488Qiraji Gladiator: Count 2, faction 310, entry 15324Hive'Zara Stinger: Count 1, faction 310, entry 15327Hive'Zara Wasp: Count 1, faction 310, entry 15325Vile Scarab: Count 1, faction 15, entry 15168 --> </GrindArea> </HBProfile> In your code I have labeled areas that need fixing REMEMBER TO TREAT ALL CODE AS CASE SENSITIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I cant stress this enough its coding 101: 1. your range is FAR to large 75 will do anything larger and youll wander the WHOLE zone. 2. double check your factions. 3. at 40% your repairing far too inefficient. .2 or .3 is best 4. proper to use levels 01 to 90 not 1 or 2 or 3 but 01 02 03
Thank you for your thorough reply. I really appreciate it even though I figured out how to use the <TargetElites>True</TargetElites>, I was putting spaces infront of it before because that is what it looked like in the thread it got it from and that was causing it not to work. Your post will help me polish a profile with adding avoid mobs, there is one mob in AQ20 that is always in a wall and I wasn't sure how to avoid it and your reply will help me with that. Thanks a bunch!!
No problem glad I could help! Now as for avoiding an area you want to generate a blackspot look that up and itll explain the rest! then you place the blackspot over the area/mob and itll never be bothered again