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  • [PAID] ProfitMaster: GarrisonResources Farm & Felblight + More! [+ Realms Jumps! ]

    Discussion in 'Farming' started by @alisha, Jul 11, 2015.

    1. @alisha

      @alisha Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Sep 29, 2012
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      Short links:


      Get access on BuddyStore (づ.◕‿‿◕.)づ・。*。✧・゜゜・。✧。*・゜゜・✧。・ ゜゜・

      • Free Trial for 1 Day before Buy! Login Your BuddyStore Account
        -> Hit Trial Button
        on Product Page GarrisonResources Unlimited Farm

      • You Can Refund Product in 7 Days After Buying
        But be aware - all refunds are permanent

        This mean you Never be able to repurchase in future

        Please consider to seek assistance before refunding products

      Require BotBase: ProfitMaster

      Join My Discord Group
      Feel free to ask support by Skype: alisha.hb

      < Max Efficient GarrisonResources Farming Profile Pack >

      [ HBRelog Supported! ]

      BuddyStore Link: https://store.buddyauth.com/Product?productId=4411

      < Recommended for Toons with Herbalism & Mining for Max Output >

      Both Horde & Alliance Supported​

      This Profile Pack contains several Profiles and purpose of it: Fast Auto Farm Garrison Resources [~1500-1700 per hour] for you - Best way to get more Seal of Inevitable Fate (Exchange it in Ashran).

      As additional, if you have professions, listed below it will gather those resources + Felblight: [~8-12 per hour] also.

      This Pack is also good for getting Gear Tokens 650 Rare, 675 Epic

      You can start it in Any place in Draenor, it will Auto Navigate to need location via Taxi & Mount run.

      !!! Requirements !!!
      • Quest [ Not required but Recommended -> to able use Taxi]
        • You actually do not need to do Prequest and can go to Tanaan without Lvl3 Garrison and Tanaan Prequest -> you will be able to gather GarrisonResources too!
        • Finished Tanaan Prequest (Have access to Tanaan Jungle)
        • Finished PreQuest: Unknowable Power
      • BotBase: GrindBot
      • !!!Plugin Enabled: ProfitMaster: Profile Loader [ free ]
      • Start Location: Any in Draenor
      • Toon ilvl: Minimum 630, Recommended 670+

      Profile Data:

      • HBRelog Tag for current pack: Tanaan_GR
      • Auto Switch Realms: + Will Auto Jump Realms by using Group Finder! Will Auto Join Group with Difference Realms to get Maximum Profit Output!
      • Auto Navigation: Will Auto use Taxi + Mount
        [*]Advanced Roll System: Will roll Need for Items if possible, including BoP!
      • Ready Check: Will Auto Confirm Ready Check if in group to be less botish!
      • Sell Gray items: On Full Bags [ free slots < 3], Will Auto Navigate to Merchant, using Taxi + Mount if needed
      • Repair: On Durability < 55, Will Auto Navigate to Repair, using Taxi + Mount if needed
      • Survival Helper:
        • Activate Heal Behavior & Rest & Precombat Buff Behavior if CR have it
        • Use Grilled Saberfish \ Saberfish Broth to Restore Health \ Mana
        • Use Felmouth Frenzy to Restore Health \ Mana
        • Use Best Food to Gain Food Buff or Restore Health / Mana
        • Buy Food from Travel Mount [Yak, Mamonth, etc]
      • Humanic:
        • Start Location Randomize for less Botish Behavior and not stack other boters
        GUI Screenshot:

      • Main Goal: Farm Garrison Resources
      • Additional Goals:
        • Felblight: [ You need Herbalism / Mining to have chance to Harvest it & <Harvest Herbs / Ore> enabled in Honorbuddy Settings]
        • Harvest Herbs [ You need Herbalism lvl 1+ for it, 700 lvl recommended! & <Harvest Herbs> enabled in Honorbuddy Settings]
        • Harvest Ore [ You need Mining lvl 1+ for it, 700 lvl recommended! & <Harvest Ore> enabled in Honorbuddy Settings]
        • Loot Mobs [ You need enabled <Loot Mobs> in Honorbuddy Settings]
        • Skin Mobs [ You need Skinning lvl 1+ for it & <Skin Mobs> enabled in Honorbuddy Settings]
      • Daily Quests and Events Included:
        • If you have PickedUp Unseen Influence Daily Quest - it will do all requirements for it also, you will need only to turn in it + 1500 Apexis Crystal
        • If you have not done Daily Event Assault on the Ruins of Kra'nak - it will do it Automatically also + 800 Apexis Crystal

      Full loot Statistic Generation after run:
      Statistic screenshot example:

      Get access on BuddyStore (づ.◕‿‿◕.)づ・。*。✧・゜゜・。✧。*・゜゜・✧。・ ゜゜・
      • Free Trial for 1 Day before Buy! Login Your BuddyStore Account -> Hit Trial Button on Product Page ProfitMaster Profile
      • You Can Refund Product in 7 Days After Buying. But be aware - all refunds are permanent. This Mean you can not buy This Product in Future according HBStore Rules.


      Attached Files:

      Last edited: Oct 1, 2016
    2. @alisha

      @alisha Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Sep 29, 2012
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      Thread Management rules
      The Support thread for a Buddy Store product is meant for:
      • Information about product states, new modules and release, change log for versions
        [*] Before posting Issue \ Request - Please make sure its not already posted and not in list of known bugs, upcoming changes in next build, try not to litter thread with same posts
      • If you have any idea to implement, add your idea's to this Thread
      • Constructive criticism with specific details
      • If you have problem, post bug reports in Support Thread with a full log attached (do not post log file in post, use attachments instead).
      Any thing else in a Buddy Store product Support thread is considered 'off topic' and may be deleted. Examples include, but are not limited to:
      • Price discussions
      • Comparisons to other products
      • Complaints without supporting evidence suitable for immediate corrective action by the author
      • Theory crafting
      • General chit-chat
      • etc
      We ask that you please refrain from creating off-topic posts in Support threads.
      Last edited: Jul 12, 2015
    3. @alisha

      @alisha Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Sep 29, 2012
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      /人 ◕‿‿ ◕人\ [ >>Alisha's BUG Tracker << ] - Please submit your bugs and issue you have here!

      -> Idea Service - Feel Free to Add Your Ideas!

      >> PM me with your Skype login to Join Beta & Support Skype group for All My HB Products <<

      Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

      Q: GUI do not opening for me
      A: You have Store cache bug problem cause of which GUI not loading, which accur for like 5% of users for WPF products do this:
      • You can leave Wow running during this process
      • Disable Anti Virus \ Firewall
      • Make HB Clean Install (EXTRACT new HB from latest Zip File into a new folder)
      • DISABLE streaming all items you have from Buddy Store (Open BuddyStore in browser -> MyPurchases -> set stream "Disable" for <ALL> products)
      • After all products disabled, With Wow Running start the new HB and double check that you have no additional plugins\bots\cr\profiles etc from buddy store
      • Stop HB and enable streaming Profit Master Plugin and profile in Buddy Store
      • Launch HB again and try to open Settings for ProfitMaster Plugin
      • After confirming that it works you can enable the other items in the buddy store as needed.

      It's only one time action, you do not need to do it any more
      If you want this Store bug to be fixed, help push for it by reporting in Support Forum:

      Q: How To Launch ProfitMaster profile via HBRelog?
      A: Here is a Extended Guide for it: How To: HBRelog via ProfitMaster

      Q: Can i get Free Trial before Buy?
      A: Yes, of course. To get it: Login into HB Store account -> Open product page -> Hit Trial Button. You will get Trial for 1 Day

      Q: Can i refund Product after buy if i do not want it more?
      A: Yes, of course. You can refund Your product in 7 days After buy. But be aware its permanent - you cant purchase it again ever. Its HB Store rules.

      Q: How To Launch ProfitMaster profile via HBRelog?
      A: Here is a Extended Guide for it: How To: HBRelog via ProfitMaster

      Bug Reporting: /人 ◕‿‿ ◕人\ [ >>Alisha's BUG Tracker << ]
      • Make sure you use clean HB install without any updates and files overwrites. (What is clean install: Article How to Do Clean Install)
        p.s. to be clear to make a HB clean install you do not need to delete any settings or files, you need just download a last release zip of HB and unzip it in new folder, where you will be checking (start HB from there when preparing report).
      • You shouldn't copy any other plugins\routines to HB install to do test.
      • Also with clean install recommended to delete those folders (those just mesh and sessions cache, no settings files):
        • C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Bossland
        • C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Bossland_GmbH
      • in BuddyStore disable streaming of all other products (My products -> disable streaming), green (enable) status should be only for ProfitMaster plugin, ProfitMaster profile pack, BotBase you using
      • Disable streaming for all other Products
      • Disable all WoW Addons.
        [*]Set LogLevel in HB Settings to Diagnostic
        [*]If You use Singular CR, open Class GUI, got to Last Tab and set Log to "None" (it set to "File" by default and should be changes, case Singular do much spam in log).
      • run bot again and log the problem
      • Reporting Issue: Login to Alisha's BugTracker
      • Create new issue report, Attach full HB log
      • Make description of your problem, when (on which conditions) it happens and why as you think
      • Inform which CR you are using,BotBase, attach screenshots to better describe it (picture: Map location, and Toon Location).

      Instead of using forum post to report issue, please use Alisha's BugTracker -> "Add Issue Ticket",
      So its more easy to track Your particular issue that you have and fix it
      Also it will allow you find similar issue that users as you have and extend info for it, instead of posting new one.

      Which will help to decrease time to find out conditions when and why it happens.

      Thanks! :eek:
      Last edited: May 2, 2016
    4. @alisha

      @alisha Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Sep 29, 2012
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    5. @alisha

      @alisha Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Sep 29, 2012
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      UPD: Added Full Loot Statistic showing After run [ On Bot Stopped ]

      Full loot Statistic after run:
      Statistic screenshot example:
    6. @alisha

      @alisha Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Sep 29, 2012
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      Beta testing stage began :cool:

      ProfitMaster : GarrisonResource Farm & Felblight + More! [+ Realms Switch ]

      Have Spots for Beta-Testers to test out profile, requirements:
      • 670+ ilvl
      • Herbalism \ Mining (preferred Toon with both)
      • Ability to run on several toons (melee + range)
      • Skype

      What i need from you:
      • Bug reports (if will be found)
      • Statistic log output (generated automatically by profile after run), from 1 hour run

      PM me, if you want participate :)
      Last edited: Jul 17, 2015
    7. odano1988

      odano1988 Member

      Oct 22, 2012
      Likes Received:
      Trophy Points:
      [@ProfitMaster - Profile Loader]: 53.002 Combat ended, need to check Loot
      [@ProfitMaster - Profile Loader]: 53.614 Moving to loot <Felborn Instructor>
      [@ProfitMaster - Profile Loader]: 53.614 Moving to <Felborn Instructor@E128> at <4538.547, 492.2344, 226.4772>, Me at <4550.484, 504.7178, 227.785>
      [Singular] Bot TargetList is empty, no targets available
      [Singular] EnsureTarget: no valid target set by Grind Bot -- skipping 0 spell priority
      [@ProfitMaster - Profile Loader]: 55.302 Arrived by Condition
      Stopping the bot!
      Bot stopping! Reason: User pressed the stop button
      [@ProfitMaster - Profile Loader]: 55.694 Run Time: 0 days, 3 hours, 33 minutes, 55 seconds
      [@ProfitMaster - Profile Loader]: 55.696 =============================================================
      [@ProfitMaster - Profile Loader]: 55.696 Horde, Undead, Warlock Affliction, Level 100 ilvl 676
      [@ProfitMaster - Profile Loader]: 55.696 =============================================================
      [@ProfitMaster - Profile Loader]: 55.700 =============================================================
      [@ProfitMaster - Profile Loader]: 55.700 Fishing: 242
      [@ProfitMaster - Profile Loader]: 55.700 Statistic for Profile <[Taanan] - Garrison Resources + [Felblight Farm: Herbalism, Mining]> Run
      [@ProfitMaster - Profile Loader]: 55.700 Total Looted Gold + Currency + Items Statistic:
      [@ProfitMaster - Profile Loader]: 55.700 =============================================================
      [@ProfitMaster - Profile Loader]: 55.724 --> Money: 60 Gold, 4 Silver, 62 Copper
      [@ProfitMaster - Profile Loader]: 55.724 =============================================================
      [@ProfitMaster - Profile Loader]: 55.724 --> Currency: [2]
      [@ProfitMaster - Profile Loader]: 55.725 <Apexis Crystal>[823], Total: 176
      [@ProfitMaster - Profile Loader]: 55.725 <Garrison Resources>[824], Total: 2547
      [@ProfitMaster - Profile Loader]: 55.725 --> Items: [16]
      [@ProfitMaster - Profile Loader]: 55.730 --> Grey Quality [8]:
      [@ProfitMaster - Profile Loader]: 55.730 [106322] <Brittle Greatsword>, Total: 1
      [@ProfitMaster - Profile Loader]: 55.731 [106339] <Gronncloth Shoulderpads>, Total: 1
      [@ProfitMaster - Profile Loader]: 55.731 [106342] <Overstretched Leather Gloves>, Total: 1
      [@ProfitMaster - Profile Loader]: 55.731 [106350] <Punctured Plate Chestpiece>, Total: 1
      [@ProfitMaster - Profile Loader]: 55.731 [106346] <Punctured Plate Helmet>, Total: 1
      [@ProfitMaster - Profile Loader]: 55.731 [106324] <Robble's Staff of Herding>, Total: 1
      [@ProfitMaster - Profile Loader]: 55.731 --> White Quality [4]:
      [@ProfitMaster - Profile Loader]: 55.731 [113478] <Abandoned Medic Kit>, Total: 1
      [@ProfitMaster - Profile Loader]: 55.731 [109693] <Draenic Dust>, Total: 5
      [@ProfitMaster - Profile Loader]: 55.731 [113681] <Iron Horde Scraps>, Total: 22
      [@ProfitMaster - Profile Loader]: 55.731 [113328] <Torn Voodoo Doll>, Total: 2
      [@ProfitMaster - Profile Loader]: 55.731 --> Green Quality [1]:
      [@ProfitMaster - Profile Loader]: 55.731 [120945] <Primal Spirit>, Total: 3
      [@ProfitMaster - Profile Loader]: 55.731 --> Blue Quality [5]:
      [@ProfitMaster - Profile Loader]: 55.731 [124557] <Baleful Girdle>, Total: 1
      [@ProfitMaster - Profile Loader]: 55.731 [124554] <Baleful Hood>, Total: 1
      [@ProfitMaster - Profile Loader]: 55.731 [124555] <Baleful Leggings>, Total: 1
      [@ProfitMaster - Profile Loader]: 55.731 [124561] <Baleful Trinket>, Total: 1
      [@ProfitMaster - Profile Loader]: 55.731 [122117] <Cursed Feather of Ikzan>, Total: 1
      [@ProfitMaster - Profile Loader]: 55.735 -> Potential Money for Selling: 30 Gold, 99 Silver, 20 Copper
      [@ProfitMaster - Profile Loader]: 55.735 Grey: 30 Gold, 74 Silver, 16 Copper
      [@ProfitMaster - Profile Loader]: 55.735 White: 0 Gold, 25 Silver, 0 Copper
      [@ProfitMaster - Profile Loader]: 55.735 Green: 0 Gold, 0 Silver, 0 Copper
      [@ProfitMaster - Profile Loader]: 55.735 Blue: 0 Gold, 0 Silver, 4 Copper
      [@ProfitMaster - Profile Loader]: 55.735 =============================================================
      [@ProfitMaster - Profile Loader]: 55.735 Settings Saved 18:28:55
      Changing current profile to level 0 - 2147483647
      [@ProfitMaster - Profile Loader]: 56.003 Common Settings Saved 18:28:56
      [@ProfitMaster - Profile Loader]: 56.013 Removing Hooks
      [@ProfitMaster - Profile Loader]: 56.112 EventsManager Deinitializated
      [@ProfitMaster - Profile Loader]: 56.112 Events Deattached
    8. odano1988

      odano1988 Member

      Oct 22, 2012
      Likes Received:
      Trophy Points:
      Run Time: 0 days, 1 hours, 12 minutes, 48 seconds
      Horde, Undead, Priest Shadow, Level 100 ilvl 677
      Herbalism: 230, Mining: 252, , Fishing: 108
      Statistic for Profile <[Taanan] - Garrison Resources + [Felblight Farm: Herbalism, Mining]> Run
      Total Looted Gold + Currency + Items Statistic:
      --> Money: 42 Gold, 15 Silver, 1 Copper
      --> Currency: [3]
      <Apexis Crystal>[823], Total: 102
      <Garrison Resources>[824], Total: 1591
      <Oil>[1101], Total: 100
      --> Items: [28]
      --> Grey Quality [8]:
      [106354] <Grime-Fouled Mail Boots>, Total: 1
      [106347] <Gronncloth Suncover>, Total: 1
      [106332] <Overstretched Leather Bracers>, Total: 1
      [106335] <Overstretched Leather Pants>, Total: 1
      [106876] <Ritual Stone>, Total: 1
      --> White Quality [18]:
      [113478] <Abandoned Medic Kit>, Total: 1
      [109992] <Blackrock Fragment>, Total: 60
      [109118] <Blackrock Ore>, Total: 10
      [109625] <Broken Fireweed Stem>, Total: 44
      [109624] <Broken Frostweed Stem>, Total: 31
      [116053] <Draenic Seeds>, Total: 115
      [115508] <Draenic Stone>, Total: 32
      [109124] <Frostweed>, Total: 50
      [109126] <Gorgrond Flytrap>, Total: 17
      [109626] <Gorgrond Flytrap Ichor>, Total: 21
      [113681] <Iron Horde Scraps>, Total: 12
      [109128] <Nagrand Arrowbloom>, Total: 66
      [109628] <Nagrand Arrowbloom Petal>, Total: 29
      [109127] <Starflower>, Total: 16
      [109627] <Starflower Petal>, Total: 47
      [109629] <Talador Orchid Petal>, Total: 40
      [109991] <True Iron Nugget>, Total: 61
      [109119] <True Iron Ore>, Total: 9
      --> Green Quality [4]:
      [116622] <Gorian Staff>, Total: 1
      [106687] <Ironfist Breastplate>, Total: 1
      [106735] <Meadowstomper Shoulders>, Total: 1
      [120945] <Primal Spirit>, Total: 33
      --> Blue Quality [1]:
      [127759] <Felblight>, Total: 14
      -> Potential Money for Selling: 104 Gold, 55 Silver, 12 Copper
      Grey: 19 Gold, 30 Silver, 91 Copper
      White: 1 Gold, 52 Silver, 48 Copper
      Green: 83 Gold, 61 Silver, 73 Copper
      Blue: 0 Gold, 10 Silver, 0 Copper
    9. @alisha

      @alisha Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Sep 29, 2012
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      Planning do final tests today and we will be pushing for release! :)
    10. gadji

      gadji Member

      Dec 8, 2011
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      I need this, take my money ! soon TM !!!!!!
    11. @alisha

      @alisha Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Sep 29, 2012
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      Happy to say that Release version Pushed! :eek:

      State: awaiting approval via HB Core Team :)
    12. Astalion

      Astalion New Member

      Jul 8, 2015
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      Take my money already....
    13. virtual

      virtual Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      for some reason when iread this the first time i thought it was able to fish :( and cross realms
    14. Astalion

      Astalion New Member

      Jul 8, 2015
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      If you check the other post Fishing Felblight
      Threw me off aswell
    15. Astalion

      Astalion New Member

      Jul 8, 2015
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      When will this be approved?
    16. lckwjl

      lckwjl New Member

      Jun 4, 2012
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      I cant seem to purchase this on the store
    17. dadunston

      dadunston New Member

      Nov 4, 2012
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      any updates on approval?
    18. @alisha

      @alisha Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Sep 29, 2012
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      not yet sadly :(
    19. Nani

      Nani New Member

      Jun 14, 2011
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      Are you a girl? cause damn all your products are top notch
      10/10 would marry
    20. @alisha

      @alisha Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Sep 29, 2012
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      Thanks for warm words! It Motivate me more! ^_^
      Sorry i am married already :eek:

      Btw. This profile approved and live, but i frozen it till get approve of ProfitMaster: Profile Loader plugin, which is needed to run this profile.
      Thanks for you patient - i am waiting for as much as you do :(

      I am hoping it should be upcoming days

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