I wanna get into modding games and make cool programs that allow me to have the higher advantage over other players. But I also need to start out with a basic programing language that is friendly for a beginner but allow me to do what I want to do as stated above. Any suggestions on what could be a good language to start out on? I don't have much money to spend atm. So it would have to be by reading or watching videos. Also is it not recommended to watch year old videos that deal with learning how to programming in (name of any language)?
Try your hand at creating plugins for HB. It isn't difficult at all once you see what you're doing wrong. There is plenty of documentation and a whole subforum of developers who can help.
I wanna hack popular games. I wanna be apart of a community or business that drives itself towards exploiting weakness in games so they can be altered and used and in my command. Just simply starting out in any language that isn't too hard to grasp for beginners.
You can start in any number of languages. C++, C#, Java, Python, etc. But you need to start out learning the fundamentals and making your own small programs. Try not to start off hacking games. (Though my first coding experience was making undetectable cheat engines to screw with Maplestory)
I read that C++ will be way too much to handle unless you learn the basics of C. IT seems everyone has there own way of learning there language. I just wanna find that road and take that first step but i'm so alinged with the thought of ..well what about if this is not what I wanted? DOing something you regret later is one of my biggest fears. Bam..you don't have to help me but it would be pretty kind of you to help me atm since I am feeling lost. I keep searching the webs for information but get so lost.
My VERY first coding was HTML, you know, website stuff. When I got pretty competent with it, I jumped right into C++ C++ was the first coding class my high school ever taught, so people who had no experience at all could manage it. You just need a good book to follow. Sadly, I don't know of any you could look up. Also the first coding class I took in university was Java. In my opinion, Java is a little easier to understand than C++ And C# seems a little more difficult than C++ There are also some free online university computer science courses online. I think from Stanford or MIT. You can try to watch the lectures.
I bought a book on C# a beginners book I may add. I've been working through the chapters just like thing else you would do to learn something. Programming I've realized it's difficult to understand at first because whenever you look at the code you don't know exactly what your looking at. But if you break it down and look at it piece by piece, you'll start figuring it out more. Programming was made so that people could program for it not just look at it an scratch theirs heads and go hmmm.........
I had to stop learning C# for a bit and learn algebra since I dropped out of school in 11th grade and basically never learned it in school (skipping). But once I learned more math programming got super simple. I would suggest learning visual basic as a starter. It's fast, super simple and you learn visual studio practices and how it works. Then I would look for a more advanced language. As for hacks you would most likely want to learn about DXhooking and C++. Also get use to cheat engine until you get good enough to make your own memory address reader and ollydb I think it's called (I don't make hacks, My brother does that). Also check out gamedeception. Just don't ask noobly questions or expect a ban. Good luck.
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