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    Discussion in 'Hearthbuddy Forum' started by DaSoul, May 17, 2016.

    1. DaSoul

      DaSoul Well-Known Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Dear hearthbuddy devs,

      i would like to know, why we struggle with this bot(logic wise).
      I don't want to name any competitor products, as you know them yourself.

      This bot didn't had the best start. Its initial logic was so bad, that at some point the decision was made, to overtake/buy botmakers silverfish ai. At this time, there was already another big bot that already had the silverfish ai implemented and had a far better logic than hearthbuddy.

      Unfortunately i and a lot of other people were banned using this bot (6months) and we came back to hearthbuddy.
      Now, after months of development there is again a new bot(able to hit legend) with the same dev as silverfish ai and his bot is far superior in logic than hearthbuddy. Why?

      I mean, beside any security related functions, card logic is the biggest, most important thing. Why are we, always lagging behind the competition?
      And no, this is not only my wrong feeling or whatever, you can search any bot related forum and people will tel you the same "hearthbuddy is probably the safest but..."

      Before someone comes up with "feel free to use other bots" or whatever...that doesn't solve hearthbuddys logic issues.

      Do we lack development power here?
    2. emerysong

      emerysong New Member

      May 1, 2014
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      the devs of those other bots probably dont have as much on their plate as these do. they have like 10 bots to update and constantly tweek and check... that is alot so obviously some are going to have the lowest priority on their list ... honorbuddy is probably their top one. i agree logic could probably get a tweeking also why noone is implementing special "bots or routines" i have only ever seen default but havent searched alot... the ones that were here are all outdated still it just seems to me like people ' community" wouldve made "rush //control///face" something that is internally implemented into the bot or atleast a plug in. just seems like a bland varity of choices on loigic and trying to edit the code myself seems like trying to read martian language..... alot more intense/confusing then other code just my 2 cents
      Last edited: May 17, 2016
    3. Tony

      Tony "The Bee" Staff Member Moderator

      Jan 15, 2010
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      sorry but i cant find a single bad logic report from you

      so if you have something specific to report plz do(under support issues section providing your Hb and UI log files),this would be more productive for everyone

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