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    Discussion in 'Honorbuddy Support' started by W0efk3, Dec 19, 2011.

    1. W0efk3

      W0efk3 New Member

      Jan 7, 2011
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      Lately I have been using my newly created goblin rogue as a screensaver with HB put in QuestingMode and the Azenius Project.
      Apart from the Azenius issues it has, I also noted that my rogue was getting killed by passing to closely by opposite faction NPC groups like fe. 'Explorers League Digsite' which happens to be Alliance Landing Ground. Same happened near Blackfathom Camp (also alliance grounds).

      Apparantly I either have to manually add blackspots for every Alliance camp I could get across in my questing.

      It would be nice to have some sort of feature in HB that it
      either uses the buildin 'radar' to mesh around those places when it detects a mob with a large level difference
      either detect that a level 10+ difference npc killed me twice on the same spot and blacklist the spot itself with a rather large radius

      In case the 2nd happened it would be even nicer to have some sort of GUI to store/discard those blackspots manually.

      Don't know if this should be hardcoded into HB or rather built as a plugin.
    2. Kickazz006

      Kickazz006 Well-Known Member Moderator

      Jan 15, 2010
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      sure, if you would like to build a plugin and donate it users will use it

      but hb has never really liked large blackspots... so quest profiles have to compensate for moving around it the best that it can

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