Hello. How can I set the bot such that it will clear the quests with custom decks and afterwards switch back to grinding wins in ranked with another custom deck? For example , I want to get my golden priest , so I am playing constructed:Ranked with my custom priest deck. However , I have a quest that requires me to win 5 rounds with Warlock. I have 2 decks named Custom Warlock Custom Priest How do I set the bot such that it -Wins 5 round with Custom Warlock -Switches to Custom Priest and continues grinding. For now , I keep having this issue where it says "[Quest] Now stopping the bot, because there are no quests we can complete with the current custom decks since [OnlyUseCustomDecks] is enabled." when I tick only use custom deck to clear quests (For the obvious reason that basic decks are kinda slow / bad at winning ). Please do enlighten me , thank you