Bonjour, j'ai une erreur au level 42, j'ai le pack mega pack 1-110 (profile), j'ai cette erreur : Could not create current behavior in quest bot; exception was thrown, Profile line# 7646, Element: <Objective QuestName="Smokey and the Bandage" QuestId="27458" Type="CollectItem" ItemId="62028" CollectCount="1" /> J'ai vu qu'il fallait remplacer copier coller un dossier mais le seul dossier est Quest Behaviors qui est dans le dossier HB, mais ce dossier n'est pas présent dans le dossier du mega pack 1-110. vu que je suis mauvais en anglais, je ne comprend pas comment résoudre le souci
google traduction : Hi, I have an error at level 42, I pack mega pack 1-110 (profile), I have this error: Could not create current in quest bot behavior; Was thrown exception, Profile line # 7646, Element: <Objective QuestName = "Smokey and the Bandage" QUESTID = "27458" type = "CollectItem" ItemId = "62028" CollectCount = "1" /> I saw the need to replace a file copy paste, but the only dossier is Quest Behaviors that is in the HB file, but this file is not present in the mega pack 1-110 folder. since I am bad in English, I do not understand how to resolve the concern
Could not create current behavior in quest bot; exception was thrown, Profile line# 2362, Element: <Objective QuestName="Karuk's Oath" QuestId="11613" Type="KillMob" MobId="25522" MobName="Skadir Raider" KillCount="6" X="1933.441" Y="5893.484" Z="14.32327" Nav="Fly" /> at any quest at LK questing
I 'm sorry but I do not really understand , is it possible to explain step by step what I have to do please ? i'm french lol
Tu ne peux pas parce que vous avez même problème avec le prochain sera fixé dans la prochaine version