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  • Quest: Bride of the Embalmer help

    Discussion in 'General Discussion Forum' started by Maria, Sep 22, 2010.

    1. Maria

      Maria Banned

      Jun 8, 2010
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      I was trying to get this quest to work for my level 80 do every quest there is profile.

      The problem with one is that you must first click on the grave and then the quest Digging Through the dirt pops up. This quest has a turn in only ( http://www.wowhead.com/quest=254/digging-through-the-dirt )

      I have tried everything. Nothing will work. I did a quest pick up from object and then a quest turn in. That worked for turning it in and getting the bridge to spawn and it killed her and got my objective for the bride of embalmer. But then it stood there spamming trying to pickup quest digging through the dirt. So I removed the pickup code line. Then it stood there saying no quest in quest log to turn in.

      Any Ideas ?

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