I have been searching the forums and I have not really been able to find anything up to date or really accurate on this matter. Can Honorbuddy either quest or grind AND run instances at the same time? I am still in the BC zones so these instances are old...
I was mainly looking for documentation - thanks though. I wonder why that is.. Seeing as what people can code in their profile, why would it be so hard to code this? (not saying I could do it - hell I was reading through the "injection" thread and was amazed at how the devs figured that out).
If your going for something to do while like sleeping, I run BG/Grinding, normally grind on something Worth grinding on.
i wouldn't recommended running anything along side questing, since most profiles are made to run uninterrupted, can can cause issues if say, it stops in the middle of a quest to do a BG. so keep that in mind.