Another set of BOE intellect shoulders, a plate helm and a leather belt sold all for 150k. Loving this profile not to mention turning the primals into savage bloods and putting them on the AH also.
^^nice! I ran this profile for 2hrs (hunter) and didn't get 1 drop of anything...only coin Is it a bug or sending me to the wrong place?
Or could it just be bad luck? I suggest you attach a log of it so it's possible to see and not guess what it's doing.
Hey m8! I have tried this profile 2 nights in a road, but when wake up I am always disconnected and just have farmed for like 2 hours. The bot is also closed by itself. I got very good internet with cabel, you know what this might depends on? I dont really know how to use the bot, I am new to all this. I am using "grind bot", I tried to have it on "Questing" but it didnt work.... So what setup should I have? Help please. Thanks on behalf! //Pidda
quest and whats happening is there is tanks that knock you into areas you get stuck and hb logs you out and exits.
"Can not start quest bot - this profile does not contain a quest order!" Thats how it says when I start it on "questing". Atm I have it on BETA Grundbuddy.
Yes gatherit, it only happened to me twice , not trying to discredit the profile at all still one of the best.
My BM hunter (605) does around 140-160ph while my 638 Mage does 110-130ph Being a rogue and 630 I'd think maybe like 160-180 depending how many mobs you pull and your burst dmg
Profile seems to work great. I have it running shifts across 3 of my toons, and after abour 6-8hrs yesterday I had looted 2 BoE epics and made a ton of gold. Only problem I have is when landing at eh FP, the bot goes south a bit and spends a long time grinding the level 92 mobs in the area, before eventually proceeding to the level 100 mobs At the moment I think it spent the last 30 mins killing level 92 'Black Tar' mobs.
Thanks for the feedback! Open the profile and add just under the first Questorder add the following code like below. This will force it to ignore combat until it gets to the grind area. Keep in mind though it could round up a few mobs once it gets there.
Excellent! That worked perfectly! Bot went straight to grind area, saving 15+ minutes per hour. Thanks for the help and keep making great profiles, this seems to be the only one yielding good results for me in the BoE grind category.
Those seem like really low numbers.. my 615 marksmanship hunter is currently getting a solid 280 kph (probably thanks to barrage accidently pulling 1-3 extra mobs lol) Screenshot by Lightshot <- visual proof, been running a bit over half an hour now. Better than my 630ish warlock with a bodyguard could do, I should really bodyguard up this guy lol