New to writing profiles and looking for a little help. Is it possible to craft an item in a questing profile? for example, I want to farm enough cloth and then create the daily celestial cloth. Can't seem to get the profile to create the item. Any code help would be appreciated. Thanks
PHP: <CustomBehavior File="RunMacro" Macro="/cast Celestial Cloth" /> I'm not 100% sure Celestial Cloth works since the spell is in the Crafting section and maybe the RunMacro behavior file only uses Spellbook. If this dsnt work u need to use the Lua command CastSpell(spellID, spellbookType); The spell ID you can find on Wowhead, be sure that it is the spell, i.e the link has spell in it and not Item. Otherwise you'll select the item and then it definitely wont work. Hope this was to any help. If you want to do a crude solution you can always just do click macros EDIT: I know its a hassle with the different bot types, one would wish that it was easier. But professionbuddy was created to solve all profession-based problems.
What do u mean by do click macros? i tried everything, i just cant figure out a way to write it in a questing profile so he crafts some leatherworking stuff...ingame macros do work but when i try to put it in the profile its not working...pls someone help
Link the profile, because what was posted should work. There's also a tradeskill behavior if you check under QuestBehaviors and read the documentation for that.