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  • Quest profile randomize actions?

    Discussion in 'Requests & Discussion' started by oleary, Jun 15, 2014.

    1. oleary

      oleary Member Buddy Store Developer

      May 19, 2014
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      I'm looking to buy HB asap, unfortunately all I can do for about a week is read up on it and collect profiles/plugins. I have used it before, or maybe that was glider... got banned long ago.

      Really cbf with things like dailies I've already done a bunch of times etc. I'm hoping to make a bunch of profiles both public and private for various things.

      I was wondering though on that note, can I randomise some of this pathing stuff so it doesn't look so obvious if 50 people start using it, eg for nat pagle fishing (from looking at an existing profile it seems more complex, but I am a noob so not really sure)...

      1. Randomize the order we fish for, eg spinefish first
      2. Fly to a random hotspot for that fish - I could populate like 300 hotspots per fish :)
      3. fish until we have caught it, or x many casts (eg could be a bad hotspot somehow). Looks like this is done with another bot autoangler but inside the questing profile??
      4. Move on to another fish until all fish are caught

      Not expecting anyone to write a profile or even give me the whole answer, just asking if it's something I can do when I've bought the thing. I am a web dev so XML does not scare me, but I can't find much documentation for profile creation other than really basic stuff like "fly here, run action" or "grab quest, grind these places in set order, hand in".

      If there is some great tool for questing profiles that I need to know about please by all means let me know. So far I've found zaprecorder but it's for gathering/grinding predetermined exact paths only as far as I can tell. Doesn't look like I can make HB fish using those profiles?

      I've been reading heaps on bans etc, and have heard about LCP detection. Even if it doesn't exist now, it would be great to mitigate the chances of it working in future.

      Thanks for reading :)
    2. Liferose

      Liferose New Member

      Sep 1, 2010
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      It's very rare to see a ban using a questing profile. They mimic actions done by real players pretty well to the point where even if the profile is developed without some kind of randomization it's still unlikely Blizzard has a "usable" means to figure it out, and other players are less likely to report you as well. Still, randomization can help and there are a few pre-packaged conditions that can do this. Common Honorbuddy Expressions; The old Wiki had a stroke so the new Wiki is having problems getting that lovely information. The Random() expression shortcut can do something like this, but I'm not sure if you can replicate this in the Quest Behaviors but if you open them up they have more than ample documentation.

      There are lots of hidden gems in the different profile developer's profiles. Randomization is likely not used often because it's time consuming and deemed unnecessary in a lot of situations, such as how combat will break any kind of looping behavior, ..etc. It will be very useful for repetitive profiles that aren't really questing, just incorporating the advanced logic of questing profiles. There are a couple tags that do something like this too I believe, but I haven't seen them used in quite a while.
      Last edited: Jun 15, 2014
    3. oleary

      oleary Member Buddy Store Developer

      May 19, 2014
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      That's exactly what I was looking for and was surprised not to find. Really hope the wiki gets back up soon, it's kind of critical for noobs like me who actually have XML skills.

      Will buy asap, and also + rep :)


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