Questbot: warns as <SetVendor><Vendors> Vendors here </Vendors></SetVendor> is Unknown tag. Example: PHP: <SetMailbox> <Mailboxes> <!-- Need to add Mailboxes and Vendors! --> <Mailbox X="1853.774" Y="255.965" Z="78.03113" /> <!-- Garrison --> <Mailbox X="932.0197" Y="-754.8234" Z="-33.33892" /> <!-- Embaari Village --> <Mailbox X="101.6347" Y="-1583.627" Z="29.69727" /> <!-- The Draakorium --> </Mailboxes> </SetMailbox> <SetVendor> <Vendors> <!-- Need to add Mailboxes and Vendors! --> <Vendor Name="Provisioner Hanfa" Entry="81346" Type="Repair" X="1885.198" Y="264.9705" Z="76.59219" /> <!-- Garrison --> <Vendor Name="Rachelle Black" Entry="81348" Type="Repair" X="1872.418" Y="205.8837" Z="77.06944" /> <!-- Garrison --> <Vendor Name="Sammy Schrimsher" Entry="81347" Type="Repair" X="1794.641" Y="203.3999" Z="70.20045" /> <!-- Elixe's Rise - Neutral --> </Vendors> </SetVendor> Full log: View attachment 6324 2016-10-13 11.34.txt
We would need to see the profile to be sure, but my guess is that you have not put the SetVendor/SetMailbox inside the quest order. Those tags are only supported inside quest orders. To specify vendors outside, you should just have <Vendors> and <Mailboxes>.