Hi! I got a little problem with Kick's and Celsuis' Questing profiles, when the bot uses the flying mount and go on like killing mobs or turn in quests, he reaches the mob or the quest npc but the bot is still in the air and doesn't interact with the mob or the npc - so it stucks! is there any known solution? i know the gb2 got a option to change the flying height. thanks!
I'll look into it log: Code: [21:54:05.049 D] [QDBG] Starting behavior Bots.Quest.QuestOrder.ForcedCodeBehavior. [21:54:05.049 D] Goal: FlyTo-v1261: In Progress (no associated quest) Flying to Destination: Nordrassil (<5538.748, -3852.912, 1678.895>) [Ref: "[Fly][N - Quest] Hyjal 80-82 [Kick]($Rev: 2166 $)" @line 3266] profile code: Code: <!-- Ally --> <If Condition="Me.IsAlliance"> <PickUp QuestName="The Battle Is Won, The War Goes On" QuestId="27398" GiverName="Commander Jarod Shadowsong" GiverId="40772" /> <If Condition="HasQuest(27398) && ( Me.ZoneId == 616 )"> <CustomBehavior File="FlyTo" DestName="Nordrassil" X="5538.748" Y="-3852.912" Z="1678.895" /> <CustomBehavior File="FlyTo" DestName="Portal" Land="true" X="5535.613" Y="-3625.653" Z="1566.905" /> <CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" MobId="209080" Range="5" X="5541.917" Y="-3589.18" Z="1567.99" /> </If> <If Condition="HasQuest(27398) && ( Me.ZoneId == 1519 )"> <CustomBehavior File="FlyTo" Land="true" X="-8214.752" Y="428.5352" Z="118.0506" /> <TurnIn QuestName="The Battle Is Won, The War Goes On" QuestId="27398" TurnInName="Naraat the Earthspeaker" TurnInId="45226" /> </If> </If>
fixed. update from my svn. Blizzard likes to fiddle with stuff sometimes ... and this is one of the small issues. Just had to add a dismount =) Cheers